Akira +1

On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 9:20 AM, Akira Shirakawa

> On 2012-07-17 17:56, Ron Kita wrote:
>  Not sure IF this was posted before:
>> http://www.e-catworld.com/**2012/07/brian-ahern-to-**announce-nanonickel-
>> **breakthrough-is-product-of-**asymmetric-magnetism/<http://www.e-catworld.com/2012/07/brian-ahern-to-announce-nanonickel-breakthrough-is-product-of-asymmetric-magnetism/>
> No, this wasn't posted before. To tell the truth, I was aware of this
> news, but the lack of detailed information from the event website [1], the
> apparent unwillingness of mr.Ahern to share more details about his
> participation to the event or the event itself, and that last year he
> backed out of a similar one in NYC without plausible explanations made me
> unsure whether to post it on Vortex-l or not.
> It appears he will unveil a new theory to explain the mechanism of LENR
> phenomena, according to which they are not based on nuclear effects, but
> rather on an "asymmetrical magnetism effect" (whatever this really means).
> To be honest, if he's getting significant, repeatable and controllable
> amounts of excess heat as reported (21 watts), an independent, thorough and
> undeniable validation of these results alone would already be an
> extraordinary breakthrough. We're not speaking of sub-watt or
> milliwatt-level excess heat! This is already something that could be
> commercially useful (assuming that input energy is a fraction of the
> output).
> That Brian Ahern expects the public to take these results for granted and
> embrace instead yet another theory that should explain for once and for all
> why LENRs occur... it's a bit of a put off for me to be honest. This is not
> what we need right now. Just my 2c.
> Cheers,
> S.A.
> [1] 
> http://neny.org/neny/Events/**2012NESymposium.aspx<http://neny.org/neny/Events/2012NESymposium.aspx>

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