Always fascinates me that "liberal" is a pejorative in US when elsewhere in
the world it describes people who champion personal freedom from invasive
rules and laws - which in most peoples eyes is a good thing.  Is this a
semantic shift or conflation manufactured by the religious right or was it
always like that in the US?

I like the idea of countries settling their debts by ceding land to
debtors.  Would bring it home to voters and politicians that borrowing
money has real consequences. Northern Europeans would gradually replace
Southern Europeans in the nice climates, (eg Germany gets Crete) Chinese
would get Hawaii, Florida, Texas, and ship off previous inhabitants to
North Dakota. A bit like warfare but without the body-count.

On 20 July 2012 16:44, Chemical Engineer <> wrote:

> Wow, liberals are crawling out of the cracks...  Maybe we should give the
> Chinese our land to pay off our debt??
> On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 11:25 AM, Randy Wuller <>wrote:
>> **
>> Chemical:
>> I wouldn't respond but your point grinds on me like chalk on a
>> blackboard.  First, the incentives we as taxpayers give to these
>> technologies through our Government are only a waste if you believe we
>> would be employing the efforts of the citizens of this country at maximum
>> utility without them.  That concept is so inane that it makes me want to
>> throw up when I hear it.  Pure capitalism doesn't maximize utility and if
>> you think it does, please read a little history.  Under either system there
>> will be wasted effort but encouraging technical investigation which may not
>> otherwise occur is not a waste.  Some of it may turn out to be fruitless
>> but you would have to measure all the results to determine if a better
>> approach would have been better.  So if government wouldn't have provided
>> incentives to the Solar Energy industry do you think more people in this
>> society would have been investigating LENR.  I doubt it.  We might have a
>> few more casino's though.
>> Finally, there is no debt.  Debt is an illusion.  This country, if it
>> wanted could pay all the debt now.  The net worth of the U.S. is 6 times
>> the level of debt. This isn't about debt, it is all about who takes a shave
>> for the greed which created leverage on assets which were not sufficient to
>> cover the debt.  Those that loaned the money don't want to lose so they
>> have been pushing for all of us to pay so their wealth is retained.
>> All the while the country has much unused effort and overall we all lose
>> for no reason other than to protect a few.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> *From:* Chemical Engineer <>
>> *To:*
>> *Sent:* Friday, July 20, 2012 9:03 AM
>> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Another Solar Firm Shuts Down
>> Don't you mean frightening for taxpayer's?  That is where billion's  have
>> come from while the US government goes trillions into debt.  If LENR
>> happens to be real your solar "boom" will be a colossal bust!
>> On Friday, July 20, 2012, Jed Rothwell wrote:
>>> Here is another article about that, with a few more technical details:
>>> Solar energy is booming but there are too many players and too many
>>> different technologies being developed. A shakeout is inevitable. It is
>>> what happened with personal computers in the early 1980s, and with
>>> automobiles circa 1910. This is how capitalism works. It is frightening for
>>> investors!
>>> - Jed

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