Don't know the movie, just read two comments by two people I value (sic!).
Barry Ritholtz and Matt Taibbi.

Ritholtz is sort of neutral, whereas Taibbi has this to say:
...The Sorkin piece reads like it was written by the bank's marketing 
department, which may not be an accident. In November of last year, the New 
York Times announced that "Dealbook" was entering into a sponsorship agreement 
with a variety of companies, including ... Goldman, Sachs. 
So it seems to be unclear whether Sorkin actually wrote an elaborate piece of 
propaganda, and I tend to side with Taibbi here, who has a lot of  'common 
sense', as is one of Your topics.

Now the financial 'universe' seems to be constructed on different rules than 
the physical one:
It is a human construct, based on belief, deception, self-deception and 
factoids, dumb people and smart people.

(Cf  the film "Enron: the the smartest guys in the room", which I highly 
recommend, to recognize what is going on in the heads of the players.)

What is shocking to me is, that 'hard' science wrt LENR seems to be so 

With the financial 'universe' not so much. It is one created by a bunch of 
compulsive liars as being the 'Creator'.
And in this web of lies You are hopelessly lost.
The drive is making money (financial) , not knowing the 'truth' (physical), 
whatever that maybe.
In this context I highly recommend David Hume's "Dialogues Concerning Natural 
Religion", which is a humorous as it is a classic.
The 'gods of the financial universe' to paraphrase Hume, were/are a deluded 
bunch of idiots.
Regarding the physical universe, this is still an open question.


 Von: Jed Rothwell <>
Gesendet: 22:55 Dienstag, 24.Juli 2012
Betreff: [Vo]:"Too Big to Fail" movie portrays institutional disaster

I saw the HBO movie, "Too Big to Fail," about the 2008 market crash. I 
recommend it. It is a dramatization with actors. Based on what I have read 
about the crisis it seems to be historically accurate.

Regarding this history I recommend the book "The Devils are All Here."

I mention this movie here because in my view, the history of cold fusion has 
been one long disaster caused mainly by dysfunctional institutions, especially 
the physics establishment in the US. The two events are more similar than you 
might think. Both took a long time to develop. Both are still happening. The 
problems in the financial markets have not been solved. The closing scenes of 
the movie show that they have not even been addressed in many ways.

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