We're proud to announce a new section on our website, the Fusion Base.
With Fusion Base we aim to collect information on all companies active
in the field of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions.

While the rest of us is arguing whether "Cold Fusion" can exist, may
exist or should exist, some people have already started in the
direction they believe in. With this directory we aim to serve a
comprehensive overview of all ventures, from start-ups to
multinationals, that make a significant effort on bringing LENR
technology to the market. Central in this directory are LENR patents
as we believe they will play a key role in enabling the
commercialization of the technology and further development of
intelectual property rights.

To help weed-out the existing base of patents we have teamed up with
IP expert Rob Woudenberg ...

More: http://www.fusioncatalyst.org/2012/07/announcing-fusion-base/

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