The post of Colin Hercus interests me greatly, and I am greatful that he
took the time to explain how things work for a bioinformatician.

 When a library of DNA fragments are finally complied across all known
species, and object oriented life builder can be authored as a software
process to select desirable traits with robust error correction mechanisms
to form new life forms.

 With the environment of a target planet as a adaptive template, an
organism(s) can be fabricated through a compilation linking these desirable
traits against those required to thrive in that alien environment.

 IMHO, Genetics is just a sub-field of chemistry and therefore a  proper
subject for vortex.

On Fri, Aug 3, 2012 at 9:30 PM, Jojo Jaro <> wrote:

> **
> Interesting facts but I fail to see how it would help bolster your
> argument.  Saying that this model fits random mutation better is useless
> because you are simply expressing an opinion.  You mention a lot of facts
> but have not tied it into your argument.  How do these facts you enumerated
> support your contention?
> You say that the difference between a chimp and human is only 1%.  Are you
> also going to say that this 1% difference is only on the parts of the DNA
> that encode into genes, (ie. the coding part of the DNA), or are you going
> to hide this fact also?  That in fact, if you take the entirely of the
> Chimp DNA and compare it with Human DNA, the difference is a far cry from
> 1%.  It is this level of disception that is prevalent in your
> "darwinian-dogma" world that serves to foist this big lie on the
> uninitiated.  Before you ask me to take my blinders off, come clean and
> stop confusing people with "facts" only to hide your deception.
> Jojo
> PS.  Absolutely, this is off-topic, but this is part of a bet.  I am
> betting that a person who expresses a belief different from Darwinian dogma
> will be treated differently.  I am not doing anything more than what Jed is
> doing is his amount of off-topic posts, but I will be treated differently
> and is now hanging on the verge of being banned.
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Colin Hercus <>
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Saturday, August 04, 2012 9:01 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:The Fallacies of Darwinian Evolution - Microevolution
> vs. Macroevolution
> Hi Jojo,
> I work as a bioinformatician and study DNA and mutations in DNA every day.
> I develop software for this that is used in 100's of Universities and we
> have over 200 citations on Google scholar.
> Darwin had a view of evolution that we now know was rather simple.
> A few things about DNA that I think are of interest:
> 1. We have about 3billion nucleotides in our DNA
> 2. Typically from one human to next there are about 1 million differences,
> most are small single nucleotide difference but there are also large
> differences where there will be bits missing (1000 nucleotides or so in one
> person relative to the other, around 600 occurrences)
> 3. Overall documented differences in DNA at single base level are about 3
> million nucleotides though this keeps going up as we sequence more genomes
> 4. Each person born will have about 35 new single base changes  (i.e. a
> very few but definitely some)
> 5. Some mutations result in eggs that fail to grow, some in miscarriages,
> some in early death, some have minimal or no effect.
> 6. The difference in DNA between a chimp and a human is about 1% or 30M
> nucleotides, only about 10 times what exists between all humans.
> 7. Sometimes there are large DNA changes, Viruses insert there DNA into
> ours, bits going missing during cell division, or bits get duplicated. Once
> a gene is duplicated one copy may evolve to take up a different function
> These changes can all be tracked between species and over time by studying
> the differences in DNA between different species.
> They sequenced DNA of Neanderthals (from fossils, DNA left in teeth and
> Bones.) Interestingly about 5% of DNA in Europeans is from Neanderthals
> rather than early descendant from Africa.
> National Geographic studied the Y chromosome from humans all around the
> world and has built extensive maps of migration from this by tracking
> changes. Interesting that the DNA changes of a few bp per generation fit
> the fossil maps and time frame of migration archaeologists have constructed.
> I could goon for hours.
> The science behind this is very sound, the evidence is there. I know DNA
> is incredibly complex, we are amazing chemical factories, but we are also
> full of mistakes and errors that limit our life, that lead to cancer, heart
> attacks and various inherited diseases, not counting our disposition to
> greed, selfishness, hate & murder. This to me fits the model of random
> mutations with survival of the fittest much better than an intelligent
> design.
> I think before you take this subject very far you really should do a bit
> of study into genetics. Oh and take the blinkers off first.
> Colin
> PS I think this is totally off topic for Vortex
> On Sat, Aug 4, 2012 at 7:37 AM, Jojo Jaro <> wrote:
>> **
>> Hello gang,
>> In this post I will define the difference between Microevolution vs.
>> Macroevolution.  Yes, I believe evolution happens, I believe Microevolution
>> happens, not Macroevolution.
>> First, micro vs macro has nothing to do with the amount or number of
>> changes.  That is, numerous micro evolutions does not equate to a macro
>> evolution.  The main difference is the source of the changes.
>> Microevolution or Adaptation is a process whereby an individual expresses
>> certain traits that enable it to adapt more successfully to its new
>> environment.  The source of the changes is the information already encoded
>> in its DNA.  Upon the appearance of an environmental stress, certain genes
>> could express itself resulting in a new macro trait that would enable it to
>> adapt to its new environment.  The information needed to create a new trait
>> is already fully encoded in its DNA.  Only the activation is done.  This
>> form of evolution is called Microevolution.  The species evolve within its
>> own DNA boundaries and changes occur within the species itself.  Since
>> microevolution is simply an activation of a dormat trait, the new trait
>> created is not permanent.  It is possible for the new trait to dissappear
>> and lay dormant again once the stress is removed.  And since changes are
>> encoded in the DNA, microevolutionary changes are not additive.  That is it
>> does not persist within a species with new additions to it.  It is all just
>> an expression of what that species is inherently capable of based on the
>> makeup of its DNA genes.
>> Macroevolution or  Darwinian Evolution on the other hand, is this idea
>> that changes are the result of random mutation on one's DNA.  Dormant
>> traits are not expressed, rather new genes randomly come into being to
>> create a new trait.  And because huge changes to DNA are fatal,
>> macroevolutionary change has to occur in small minute and small incremental
>> changes occuring over generations.  Otherwise, a major retructuring on
>> one's DNA would cause massive genetic deformations causing less ability to
>> compete and survive.  Macroevolution is this idea that changes have to be
>> mutated into place and that numerous successive changes would result in the
>> creation of a new species.  This is in essence what Darwinian Evolution
>> postulates.
>> To illustrate, there was a study a few decades back wherein
>> microbiologists subjected E. coli to streptomycin antibiotics.  As
>> expected, the some E. Coli survived streptomycin, and reproduced and
>> eventually became streptomycin resistant.  Hurray, positive proof that
>> Darwinian Evolution occurs!!!, right?
>> Hold on a second.  This is NOT proof of Darwinian Evolution but rather
>> this is proof of microevolution is action.  Upon closer examination of the
>> resistant E.Coli colonies, they found out the streptomycin resistance was
>> conferred by a single protein on the cell wall.  The new protein prevented
>> streptomycin from latching onto the cell wall thus preventing it from
>> denaturing the cell wall and breaking it open.  And upon even closer
>> examination, they found out the this new protein was a result of an
>> expression of a single gene that normally lay dormant in the E.Coli.  Hence,
>> it became clear the the ability of E. Coli to develop streptomycin
>> resistance was conferred by "genetic coding" already existing within its
>> DNA.  All that was required was for that gene to be expressed.  No random
>> mutation of DNA occured.  No natural selection, just an expression of what
>> God already gave it.
>> Furthermore, E.Coli did not eventually evolve into a different species.
>> It is still E.Coli after the equivalent of Billions of years of evolution.
>> Furthermore, the streptomycin resistance dissappeared from the general
>> population after streptomycin was removed for a couple of generations.  The
>> genes once again laid dormant and the general population was once again
>> susceptible to streptomycin.
>> This my friends is why there is so much confusion in the debate, because
>> these scientists are so dishonest, so blinded by religious adherence to
>> Darwinian Dogma that they deliberately lie about these things.  I bet none
>> of you in this forum heard about this.  All you heard was that the bacteria
>> developed streptomycin resistance providing irrefutable proof of Darwinian
>> Evolution, right?  None of you heard the other details that would question
>> Darwinian Dogma, right?
>> Jojo

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