Fascinating technology!  My first thoughts mirror Feynman's -- impossible --
how could this possibly work?
Since it generates no heat, the pressure must come from something else.
Upon reflection, using the ideal gas law pv=nRT,
the way to get pressure without heat would be to increase n, the number of
particles in the cylinder (moles) so pv ~n .

Maybe each gas atom splits into multiple particles ( or virtual particles;
non local particles? ).
Each new particle must have the same average kinetic energy as the original.

What are your thoughts?

Hoyt Stearns
  -----Original Message-----
  From: OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson [mailto:orionwo...@charter.net]
  Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2012 7:38 AM
  To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
  Subject: RE: [Vo]:Back to Reality on Earth, my friends, please!

  > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EgT3G6lKno

  Interesting video. Actually, nothing was demonstrated. We only see the
prototype being assembled as the inventor rambles on about the design &
theory behind the device. I did enjoy listening to him. He comes across as a
very personable individual... not that that proves anything either

  Being ignorant about the alleged claims and technology behind this device
I don't know what to make of it. I gather it's derived from highly
controversial PAP technology. This is a topic that has been discussed within
the Collective before.


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