Your theory sounds like out of star trek while mine is more battlestar

On Tuesday, August 7, 2012, Axil Axil wrote:

> Part 1
> John Rohner describes anomaly of coil heating in noble gas engine during
> no movement (1 of 
> 2)<>
> Part 2
> John Rohner describes anomaly of coil heating in noble gas engine during
> no movement (2 of 
> 2)<>
> My theory explains this anomaly through the teleportation of entangled
> particles and their decoherence when they come into contact with the copper
> lattice of the copper coil. The decoherence of the delocalized particles
> causes extra dimensional heat transport transportation from inside the
> reaction chamber.
> This also happens in the Rossi reactor to thermalize gamma radiation.
> Test your theory by explaining this anomaly. By the way, you can see this
> anomaly first hand and experiment with it by buying the $350 kit.
> That is a small price to pay for a Nobel prize.
> Cheers:   Axil
> On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 12:15 AM, Chemical Engineer <>wrote:
> Abd,
> First off,  thank you for sharing your thoughts, you have a gift with
> words.
> We all filter the world thru our own beliefs and exerience.
> I have worked as a consulting engineer in industry for the past 21 years
> and 5 years prior installing industrial control systems.  The bulk of my
> projects have been energy related from boilers to turbines to a large
> concentrated solar thermal project.  I am currently working on a Natural
> Gas mid-stream storage & supply system.  I have to deal with alot of real
> world problems to make systems in the field perform.  Not all do.
>  Unfortunately I do not yet have Jed's team of robots to make my projects
> all work.
> When I look at LENR today (this name carries a much nicer connotation/ring
> to me than CF) I see a wide range of claimed reactants, products and heat
> gains.  I also see a wide range of radiation emissions  claimed from
> nothing to photons, gammas, x-rays, UV and even gravity waves (nanospire)
>  I see a couple systems that catch my eye with claims in the kW range, both
> of these are gas/powder in a relatively low pressure high temp reactor
> which might be real and would be game changers if stable and brought to
> market.  I see NASA already advertising flying LENR airframes into space
> but have not claimed one watt of gain from any research yet.
> I see NASA promoting W&L theory and I see you tearing down the W&L theory
> and appear soundly in the fusion camp.  I see Krivit discrediting cold
> fusion.  I see Brian Aherm promoting nanomagnetism.  W&L promotes beta
> decay and ULMNs to cover all the pathways.  Mills and hydrinos. Brilluoin
> and q-pulse lattice rattling.
> Yes I have more questions maybe you can answer? (loaded question).
> I am at the point the only thing that explains what everyone is seeing is
> quantum singularities hiding in the voids of that lattice devouring atomic
> hydrogen and belching out photons, quarks, gluons, etc. mostly showing up
> as HEAT.  The smallest singularity is theorized to be 22 micrograms based
> on a Planck length.  Maybe a singularity masquerading as an electron that
> is either evaporating or becoming a WIMP?  Maybe the singularity carries a
> charge and has an affinity for all the oppositely charged ions sent its
> way-either SPPs or hydride ions? Maybe the stress and strain and lattice
> cracking creates more singularities to bring to the dinner table,
> amplifying the effect? Singularities are the perfect black-body heat
> engine.  Maybe gravity at the quantum level is strong enough to create
> these quantum singularities by adding just a few hundred degrees of heat
> and extra strain within the lattice?  No Coulomb barrier to worry about
> penetrating anymore, just have to aim your ions very accurately at an
> extremely small target/horizon and there they gooooo.....
> Singularities are the perfect e=mc2 heat engine.
> LHC hot fusion guys recently addresed quantum singularities they might
> create and said they would just evaporate quickly.  No explosions, just
> maybe give off some HEAT and then POOF!  Gone.  Once they are gone NO MORE
> HEAT effect.  Maybe that explains the wicked behavior of CF.  Since the
> event horizon erases all history of original reactants it is also
> hard/impossible to nail down pathways-anything goes.  Only way I can
> explain their hidden mass is that it must be hiding in some of those 11 or
> so dimensions available at the quantum level according to string theory.
>  Singularities are great at increasing entropy. Also, while singularities
> are evaporating they get HOTTER, which explains "heat after death"  which
> would occur while these singularities consume remaining ions and evaporate?
>  It also explains eruptions in the metallic structure caused by extreme
> point sources of high temperature?  What I believe we have here my friend
> is a magnificent quantum singularity heat engine.
> This is my grand unification theory of cold fusion.  No wine involved.
> I was hoping you could answer all of these questions by morning?...
> Godspeed
> On Monday, August 6, 2012, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:
> At 10:17 AM 8/6/2012, Chemical Engineer wrote:

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