To Jojo, and to the rest of the Vortex-L Collective:


It is true that I am guilty of having fanning the flames so to speak. Mark
is right about that. I have to ask myself, was it worth it. I fear the most
important points I was trying to get across may have gotten lost in the
fray. Therefore, let me try to voice my concerns one more time and then be
done with it.


Jojo, just to be clear on this point. I think Obama's birth certificate has
been reasonably proven to be authentic. I also don't buy the claim that I'm
treating constitution as if it was nothing more than toilet paper just
because a group of individuals ("birthers") believe it is a fake. If there
are those who don't like the job Obama is doing in the Oval Office then
perform the civic duty of voting him out of office this November. It seems
to me that focusing on proving that a piece of paper, a birth certificate,
is a fake strikes me as a huge waste of valuable energy, energy that could
be better spent debating the reasons WHY Obama is unfit to be president.
Claiming Obama illegally ascended to the President because his birth
certificate is a fake strikes me as nothing more than an opportunistic
attempt to take advantage of a constitutional loop-hole. I realize you
disagree with me on this point, but quite frankly I think we ought to amend
the Constitution so that individuals like Arnold Schwarzenegger could have
the opportunity to run for the Office. So what if Arnold still has an
Austrian accent. So what if he cheated on his wife. So what if he is a
Republican! ;-) What's important is whether Arnold loves this country and
wants to make it a better place for all Americans. I think that if an
individual becomes a citizen and then lives here for at least 20 - 30 years,
I think he or she "gets it" pertaining as to what it is to be an American.
For heaven's sake, this country started out being populated with nothing
more than but a bunch of immigrants. In my book what's important is whether
Arnold can govern. On that point many believe he did a reasonable job,
considering the financial mess he inherited.


I notice you have claimed I personally called you a bigot and a racist. That
is incorrect. I am guilty of calling Birthers racists and bigots. Maybe I'm
wrong to believe so, but please get your facts straight.


I also noticed you stated "When liberal commies like you [meaning me] have
nothing else to defend the criminal actions of Donkeykong, you resort to
this race card."


Wow!  First, you claim I called you a bigot and a racist, and then you call
me a liberal commie. Good heavens, where to I start with this. No, Steven.
It's not worth it. I have decided to filter you out of my mailbox from now
on so as not to be tempted into another mud wrestling match. As Dirty Harry
once said: A man's got to know his limitations. Yes, I am flawed. I DO have
my limitations. The trick is knowing where those limitations reside and
respecting them.


What I find ironic about all of this is the fact that filtering Jojo out
won't stop me posting other "OT" topics if I feel it might be relevant,
important, helpful, or useful in some way to members of the Collective. that
is unless Mr. Beaty eventually decides that I have violated the spirit of
Vortex-L. In the meantime, I will continue to do my best to respect the
spirit of Mr. Beaty's Vortex-l list. I continue to read the latest CF news
posted here. But most of all, I continue listen to the thoughts of those
that know far more than I on these topics.


PS: My advice for the day - two-ply is always better than single ply.



Steven Vincent Johnson

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