Hello group,

Watch this! This is not an official video from NI's Youtube channel:


NIWEEK 2012 - LENR - eCAT - Anomalous Heat Effect demonstrated

August 7, 2012 - Austin, Texas - National Instruments "NIWEEK 2012" - Francesco shows me the 
Anomalous Heat Effect from what is believed to be a Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR). This is the work of 
the Italian team of Andrea Rossi which I heard about last year, called the eCat (energy catalyzer) at one 
point. This is absolutely fantastic, as the implications of this little understood phenomena are a SEA CHANGE 
to the hope for applications of CLEAN and CHEAP ENERGY. The heat effect is believed to be the same as seen by 
others, such as Fleischmann and Pons in 1989, called "Cold Fusion" at the time. This is REAL folks, 
and (hopefully) it will change the world. National Instruments CEO Dr. James Truchard made this a part of his 
opening Keynote Presentation at the annual conference called "NIWEEK 2012". I am extremely excited 
to see this making progress, and it has the power to change the world as we know it! I will be posting more, 
such as the Panel discussion with Physics !
and Engi
neering luminaries who have witnessed this effect in other situations in the 
past. Read more at http://lenr-canr.org/


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