Hello group,

Peter Gluck posted on his blog an answer to his "Open Letter to ICCF-17" [1] by Prof. Sunwon Park [2] and Dr. Frank Gordon [3], ICCF-17 lead organizers. Since he linked that here on Vortex-L and hasn't done so yet for its answer, I thought it might be useful for this community to do it in his place:



[1] http://egooutpeters.blogspot.com/2012/08/open-letter-to-iccf-17.html
[2] http://cbe.kaist.ac.kr/bbs/view.php?no=22&board_id=bbs21&category=&pagenum=&search=subject&key_word=&page=30&board_type=board
[3] http://iccf17.org/popup/bio_1.htm

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