> From: "Axil Axil" <janap...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2012 3:48:37 PM
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:the Coil
> The most frequently introduced form of the ideal gas law is
  PV = nRT
> For the Papp engine, R and n are constant
So as a variable
 PV = T
 But T = t(spark) + t(LENR)
 So PV = Ts + Tl
> If P (one bar) is held constant then V varies directly with entropy.

We also know that when the cylinder moves we go from V0 to V1
We don't know if the pressure stays constant.

For the "Tesla" demo it raises a piston (force = 2 lb?) by about 2 feet -- 
which gives us a certain amount of work.

Somewhere on the Rohner sites (John) they said that the limit of 2800 RPM was 
due to heating of the motor. 
(That's for the new engine ... I think that John said that the power is now 
independent of the RPM)

Below 2800RPM it can dissipate the heat, above that it warms up.
Radiation? Conduction? Convection?  

I don't see how you can hit a sudden change for dissipation from a metal engine 

To me it seems more likely that t(LENR) undergoes a change at a certain ambient 

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