I was hoping they would embrace my theory and observations but I guess it
is a little too early for that.  If everyone could get on the same page
this fledgling industry can generate some serious revenue and transform the

My theory explains the following observations:

Ed Storms, well respected in the field for years predicts based upon
observations the anomalous effect occurs in the cracks and voids of the
lattice. Collapsed matter from hydrogen ion collapse would certainly occur
in these locations due to concentrated energy charges, hoop effect and
collisions. Prof. Celani has witnessed the same effect.

Once collapsed matter singularities are formed they instantaneously seek
thermodynamically stable states with their surroundings. Prof. Celani
witnessed that once his metal lattice had been loaded with hydrogen and had
previously shown anomalous heat generation he could shut the system down,
transport it and it would immediately show further anomalous heat upon
excitation without additional loading. The singularities remained within
the lattice during transportation to Austin.

Conductivity inversion effects in a metal wire/lattice. It is well
understood that a singularity carries charge, angular momentum and radius
like any other particle. It is also understood that when they evaporate
they emit charged particles. This can have a direct effect on the
conductivity of a metal.

Temperature Inversion. Dr. Brian Ahern mentioned temperature inversion
within samples in the nanometer range. It is well understood that
singularites can consume heat from their environment, temporarily cooling
their surroundings. Eventually, they will evaporate that energy and entropy
back to their surroundings through Hawking radiation.

Hawking Radiation should emit RELATIVELY low energy level radiation due to
quantum gravity redshifting of the radiation as it escapes. This has been
witnessed in most all anomalous heat events.

The amount of energy released can be great. This has been witnessed in the
Intelligentry/Papp Engine as well as claimed by Rossi, DGT and Celani.
Since Hawking Radiation obeys e=mc2, very high levels of energy may be
released as the newly formed singularity seeks thermodynamic and spatial
equilibrium within its environment. Some of this radiation may also be
elementry atomic particles such as quarks and gluons.

Hawking radiation may create Fission and Fusion products within the near
vicinity. Since this radiation covers a wide spectrum, it will bombard the
local environment with low level, wide spectrum radiation which over time
should transmute additional elements. The good new is that the quantum
gravitational pull of the singularity will lessen the radiations energy.

Collapse of nearby matter by falling into the singularity may lead to
additional elements being transmuted in the local vicinity.  The radiation
energy from that will also be redshifted to weaker energy emissions.

The “heat after death” syndrome is caused by the ongoing evaporation over
time of the singularities as they continue to seek a thermodynamically
stable state in their immediate environment as well as emit Hawking black
body radiation. This has been witnessed in many cold fusion situations.
 Since singularities emit charged particles they should aid in sustaining
the birth, evolution and evaporation of more singularities in the vicinity.

On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 3:46 AM, Peter Gluck <peter.gl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> After watching -with some interruptions due to local conditions-
> the Theory Panel at ICCF-17, my first reaction was to go to the Merriam
> Webster dictionary and to search for the best antinomy of Consensus.
> It is Dissensus. Perhaps reading the text will be more encouraging.
> Peter
> --
> Dr. Peter Gluck
> Cluj, Romania
> http://egooutpeters.blogspot.com

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