I was reviewing the data series for the demonstration and would like to make a 
suggestion.  Could a well filtered variable current source be used as the drive 
waveform for the active wire?  I was thinking that a square wave source with DC 
offset might reveal some interesting phenomena.  Set the DC level to generate 
48 watts as is customary for these tests and then modulate that current level 
with a square wave signal that changes the wire input power by plus and minus 
one watt.  An accurate voltmeter and ammeter can be associated with the source 
to record the actual power being absorbed by the test wire.

The frequency of the square wave source can be adjusted as needed to determine 
if there are any interesting output transient effects caused by the drive 
currents abrupt edges.  The time domain movement in output power as well as its 
final value might be used to separate out the positive feedback activity of the 
LENR effect.  The relatively small signal aspect of the drive waveform would be 
ideal to analyze differential performance since the operating conditions are 
set by the large average current.  This is similar to small signal testing of 
an active transistor.

When I have tested devices in the past, I have always resorted to a procedure 
of the proposed nature since a great deal of time domain data can be observed 
as well as frequency response data.  A secondary test where the waveform is 
sinusoidal should also be conducted to obtain other interesting data, 
especially distortion products appearing within the output waveform.


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