Why are you asking me? I am not working on any Papp engine. My hands are full with my gen2 LENR research on Carbon Nanostructures. In fact, I want somebody to build me one of these Papp engines so that I can free myself and my farm factory from Raghead oil. Heck, I am even willing to provide R&D money if someone can show me that this thing is real.

I don't believe Papp technology is real, otherwise, we would have seen something tangible within the 30 years that has passed. If this thing is real, don't you think one of the Rohner boys would have produced something by now, other than those pathetic kits. Didn't Bob Rohner claim to be the one building the engine for Papp and supposedly seen it on a dyno producing incredible horses? What happened in these 30 years. Why hasn't he simply recreated what he claims he has done?

But, what do I know. Unlike some college dropout here who has the audacity to claim to be a Physics and LENR expert, I am not claiming to be an expert in these things, though at the very least, I do have a degree in Electrical Engineering.


----- Original Message ----- From: <integral.property.serv...@gmail.com>
To: "vortex-l" <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2012 4:46 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi Wakes Up -- Took Note of Linear Generator with 2 Noble Gas Engine Heads

Jojo (Or anybody else, for that matter):

Quote me a price for a working 10 kw linear generator as previously referenced in vortex with a Noble Gas driving head on each end. You mentioned your hands on abilities previously and lack of significient results. This project is proven, simple (One moving part and no heat) and a quick assemble.

Warm Regards,


P.S. Two pistons with PM Magnet slots should be a one piece engineering plastic cast.


Mint Candy
Sun, 19 Aug 2012 12:15:44 -0700

Sweet Progress:

Rossi must be following Vortex.



ny . min
Sun, 19 Aug 2012 11:57:45 -0700
Wise: " Andrea Rossi August 19th, 2012 at 2:16 AM Dear ivan: We have decided, so far, to limit our sales to the 1 MW plants becausethis dimension is the one that gives to Leonardo Corp. the maximumeconomic momentum, considering our present structure. We foresee,anyway, to lower, in future, the power of the products for sale. Inthis monent there is also a pending situation regarding theIntellectual Property and there are around clowns ( think to the onesthat claim to have been able to copy us) that have just mock ups (emptyboxes) which they will inmmediately fill up with our technology as soonas cheap E-Cats will be in the market: this has been their strategyfrom the beginning. Marketing only the 1 MW plants we can select ourCustomers. When the domestic Ecats will be certified the numbers willbe enough big to allow us a big scale production, so that our priceswill be enough low to defeat the competition even after they will beable to copy us. About the chance of our competit! ors to reach us andcompete with us, without copying us, from what I saw recently, they allare lightyears far from being able to produce something able to producereal energy: they are making paper aeroplanes, we are
manufacturingBoeing 707. With all respect. Warm Regards, A.R." Quickly

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