I am sure some of you are already aware of this

Dissimilar metals and alloys have different electrode
potentials<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrode_potential> and
when two or more come into contact in an electrolyte a galvanic couple is
set up, one metal acting as anode and the other as cathode

On Tuesday, August 21, 2012, Jones Beene wrote:

> For to record ... and to correct potential disinformation.
> Excess heat as seen recently in Celani/Technova etc. is NOT simply a
> surface
> morphology effect, according to Ahern's EPRI report.
> Rather, excess heat depends on both nano-geometry and the proper alloy
> being
> found together in the same powder.
> Unfortunately, EPRI have not yet published this report, but the experiments
> showed clearly that identical nano-geometry, in a variety of metal powders,
> have massively different thermal effects, dependent on the alloy.
> The original Copper-Nickel alloy which inspired Celani to do this recent
> work came from Ahern, and showed the excellent predicted results, much
> better than palladium, which corroborated the Romanowski paper. That paper
> was based on simulation, not experiment; and Ahern's work offered the first
> important corroboration. He chose the alloy (which was supplied by Ames
> Labs) specifically from the Romanowski data (details of which Celani
> curiously misquoted in his paper).
> BTW - with titanium-nickel alloys (both metals implicated in prior LENR
> experiments) - there was NO excess heat, despite having good nano-features.
> That pretty much tells you that it is completely incorrect to label this as
> a surface morphology effect only. Pure nano-nickel is poor, pure
> nano-palladium is poor but an alloy of 90% Pd and 10% Ni is excellent
> (though not as good as the Cu-Ni alloys). The differences are not small.
> For excess heating, according to Ahern - you must have the 2-12 nm surface
> features and you must ALSO have the proper spillover alloy, which
> Romanowski
> essentially nailed.
> Hopefully EPRI will publish the study soon.
> Jones

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