It is more than highly likely that Advanced Civilizations have thoroughly 
achieved a SRC (spinning rotor center) that spins within a SHOE at least 
60,000 RPM's (1,000 RPS's).                                                     
While it's been about 10 plus years since NASA had achieved a sustained 
spinning of a Rotor at 60,000 RPM's, I would tend to think that was only the 
beginning!. In fact I would say that possibly 5 X's that or more has already 
been thoroughly achieved by advanced civilizations, and it plays a vital role 
in achieving the ultimate speed limit.                                      
                                                     It's very possible 
that a good percentage of the Light Speed has been obtained?  The  RTOS (rapid 
timing order sequence) obviously determines at what rate the Force is let 
out, but how exactly does this work in sync with the RPM's or RPS's?.          
        IF someone knows how to figure this, could you please elaborate, 
because it's what makes or breaks/brakes the system. While I am mathematically 
challenged and/or altogether illiterate,,, I can still multiply 1 X's 1,000 
and come up with 5,000, and/or multiply 1 X's 5,000 and come up with 25,000 
 (close enough).  The SRC has to be  compensated with electromagnetic 
attraction-force in order for it to spin very fast and in a smooth or uniform 
there's a little matter of how to apply HENR to this System, to power up 
and/or down accordingly as manueuvers are performed and/or speed is obtained. 
Now, what ever you may think, please don't think that I don't know that 
building this Craft and/or Systems will demand a feat of engineering skills the 
likes of which we will not likely ever possess, however, IF we did somehow 
manage to grab the Bull By The Horns, and take this endeavor on, then the 
sooner we'll avoid getting trampled over by the overwheming unforgiving Masses. 
                                                        You see, Growth 
doesn't necessarily require that we reproduce in large numbers, but rather by 
the ever increased complexity and/or sophistication of the technology we 
produce.  As the population of earth continues to grow, it will force or drive 
us to  develope the Technology that can someday adequately replace this 
biologically dependent world with an altogether different mode of functionality 
and/or being.                                                                 
                          Ultimately, the technology will inevitably be 
developed that will preserve the essence of our soul but allows for an all new 
entirely different kind of life to be thoroughly lived,  that is wholy 
independent of this naturally dibilitating one.  In the far distant future, one 
being will be able to operate in at least 1 million X's the capacity as 
anyone of us....  Yep, thats progress!.    Lets see now,  a Craft w/ 10 very 
highly capable crew members will likely cost about $100,000,000,000.oo.  If you 
ask me now, that is a steal of a deal, but only IF you act now!.  If you 
wait until 10 million years from now, it'll run you considerably more at say, 
oh, $100,000,000,000,000.oo.</HTML>

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