It does not look so fast if you assume that he work with a corporate team
managed by professional (ie, not him).
Moreover the result are good but not so huge, since the reactor seems still
slow to start, and activated simply by heat. COP limitation, if real, seems
simply related to simple control by stabilization, where there is a risk of
runaway if too hot... (anyway COP at 1200C should be higher ?)...
I'm just doubting of my hypothesis because no corporate boss would allow
such communication (see how DGT react when it get messy)... maybe they
simply let the genious inventor play on internet, or maybe I'm totally

anyway, what is sure and confirmed by him, it is that many of his claim are
simply red-herring. Some other seems errors, or lies, or misunderstanding...

What make him credible is other people behavior. If you don't look at
Rossi, it is clear that something great is coming... however no idea about
temperature, COP, size...

2012/8/30 ChemE Stewart <>

> Terry,
> His progress seems fast to you because he has figured how to warp time
> with his not yet disclosed T-cat device.  To him he has been working on it
> for 50 years .  That is approx 25:1 time dilation... If you watch his hair
> grow closely you can tell. :)
> On Thursday, August 30, 2012, Terry Blanton wrote:
>> I find it extremely difficult to take anything AR says seriously.  His
>> "research" seems to be advancing too fast even if he does have
>> assistance from the NRL, which I doubt would be taking place in a
>> warehouse in Italy.
>> Just my opinion.  I could be wrong.
>> T

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