You can use various on-line charts like to guess at the inside
temperature, and this calculator to run
various estimates of the heat radiation of the open end and of the rest of
the black cylinder.

There are other critical things you cannot "know" from the photo alone, but
that's where I stop.


On Sat, Sep 8, 2012 at 5:17 PM, Alan Fletcher <> wrote:

> Ha! I should have read the errata before I posted !!!  They come to the
> same conclusions.
> Inner Cylinder Hypothesis
> • The inner cylinder  hypothesis are wrong when it comes to radiation.
> • The inner cylinder will only radiate from the area of the cylinder
> opening
> At least it proves I'm awake !
> ----- Original Message -----
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > They assume that :
> >
> > > the energy radiated by the INNER cyclinder is identical to that of
> > > the OUTER.
> >
> > I think that
> >
> > a) They assume it's all radiative (Though they comment on the air
> > layer!)
> > b) The ends are ignored
> >
> > Surely NO power will be radiated by the inner cylinder : anything
> > radiated from one side of the inner will be absorbed by the other side
> > of the inner. (For simplicity, assuming that each point radiates
> > orthogonally only).
> >
> > Where's ... what's her name ... ? They really should have run a
> > charged and an uncharged (blank) to calibrate their measurements).

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