> From: "Peter  Gluck" <peter.gl...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Sunday, September 9, 2012 12:45:32 PM

> As an aside, Rossi was speaking many times about a Hot Cat working at 1200C, 
> something
> very challenging.
> We have learned now that the Hot Cat work  at only 730 C..cool (relatively)

>From the report Part 1 :

In some points, the internal temperature of the cylinder reached 1200° C. This 
measurement,which had not been previously scheduled, was performed with a 
thermometer with laser  pointer; some difficulties were caused by the required 
distance of at least 1 m from the heat source, and the need to converge and 
stabilize the beam on the entry hole. Values ranged from 1100° C to 1200° C, 
and were seen to increase from the entrance of the hole to the center of the 

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