Abd ul-Rahman Lomax <a...@lomaxdesign.com> wrote:

They didn't necessarily create it, "keep it stable." Perhaps it *stayed*
> stable. There is, practically speaking, a huge difference.

You are wrong. The paper shows 3 out of 7 runs worked, but they did it
several other times not shown in the paper. Before they they performed the
boil-off experiment hundreds of times reliably. They ran 32 tests at at
time. Every one of them worked.

> If they'd been able to do that reliably, I doubt that Toyota would have
> given up funding Technova. And this technology would have been transferred.

The decision to end the program was political. It had nothing to do with
the quality of the results. It was about money, greed and power. The scion
of Toyota who started the program died of old age, and others who were
determined to stop it won out.

- Jed

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