From: "Ron Kita" <>
> Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2012 8:11:02 PM
> Nicely done:

Rossi, at the end of his "taxi" talk with Sterling Allen, said that the eCat is 
too risky to invest in!

It's also interesting that he's down-playing the applications of the eCat -- 
he's already said that its use in cars is decades away, and aircraft, never 
(despite NASA/Boeing penciling it in on a 15-year time frame). Now he dismisses 
another area :

Andrea Rossi
September 16th, 2012 at 5:54 AM

Dear Pekka Janhunen:
We are honestly thinking, after due diligence, that it will be impossible to 
compete against reverse osmosis, which costs 1 $/1000 liters: we will never 
reach this target , unless something really revolutionary comes up. Anyway we 
now are focused on the electric power consumption.
Warm Regards,

Sure is a curious "scam" --- rather than claiming that the eCat is the best 
thing since sliced bread  (send money now), he's discouraging too much 
speculation (in a logical and financial sense).

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