
You believe too much in glossy greeny weenie advertising.  Six months ago
they were using farm tractors at their first installation.  I guess they
must have had a huge leap in technology.  Maybe theyhave been communicating
with crop circles

On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 10:12 AM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com>wrote:

> ChemE Stewart <cheme...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> They really need your robots for washing Jed.
> I am pretty sure they will use robots! I can't imagine anyone planning a
> project of this nature in 2012 without robots.
>> Otherwise I was guessing about 50 tractors/fuel required full time to
>> keep them all washed each month not to mention where you are going to get
>> all the water
> It takes 0.03 gallons of water per kilowatt-hour. Most of that is for
> cleaning the mirrors. That is a lot less than other generator types (solar
> and conventional). See the PDF document:
> "Low Water Use: BrightSource’s solar tower technology uses up to 95% less
> water than competing wet cooled solar thermal plants by employing a
> dry-cooling process, which uses air instead of water to condense steam. The
> steam production cycle is a closed loop system, with all water recycled
> back into the system, while general conservation measures help to further
> reduce water usage. The water consumed on the project is for  cleaning the
> mirrors, much like a PV plant of similar size."
> - Jed

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