Abd Ul,

 Von: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax <a...@lomaxdesign.com>

Maybe it's space aliens. I'm kinda liking that explanation. I can move it 
around and explain anything with it. Are they *friendly* space aliens? I'd like 
to think so. 

Now You're getting funny.
Kinda sorta Heinz von Foerster or Paul Feyerabend, but not quite.
Several decisions are equally valid if You are at a point of logical 
When causality -- as a point-like chain of forces-- is infinitely small.

But we are not there yet, me thinks, wrt LENR.

"Only questions which are undecidable IN PRINCIPLE, we can decide upon" (HvF)
Which is shifting the burden of proof to what an -ahem- PRINCIPLE is.

A difficult issue in times when Logic dissolves from the (a) rigid aristotelian 
to the (b) weak probabilistic to the (c) disturbing laws of form (Spencer 
Brown)  to (d) the postmodernist modal.
Which constitutes a hierarchy.

re (a) absent
re (b) higly improbable
re (c) a void ... represented by a blank space. ( like 'god' interchangeably is 
synonymous to 'nothing', if You think about it)
re (d) something possible


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