I was somewhat misinformed about the status of the Energetics Technology
collaboration with U. Missouri's cold fusion project at the Sidney Kimmel
Institute for Nuclear Renaissance (SKINR).

Rob Duncan explained to me what is happening.

I think initially 5 people came from Energetics. I think Olga Dmitriyeva
was one. She was working with Rick Cantrell. Anyway, she got her PhD and
left. Two others went back after setting up the equipment. So now there are
two people there, plus the equipment. The others are back in Israel. I do
not know what they are doing but I hope it is cold fusion.

(Someone else told me the Israeli government has taken an interest and is
now funding them.)

Rob said: "They got the equipment here and stabilized, and they were
producing excess heat.  That was pretty impressive in its own right.  We
have that equipment now, as part of the gift that established SKINR."

He said this is "a partnership and co-investment that has brought allot of
new capabilities (neutron scattering, cyclotron, diamond sensors,
etc.)" This work was described by people from Missouri U. during ICCF17. I
knew they had positive results, and they are building on this with advanced
analytic capabilities. I did not realize that they are using the cold
fusion cells provided by Energetics. I think that is a great idea. Why
reinvent the wheel? Start off with what works already, and build on it.

Rob described the outcome so far as "quite positive."

- Jed

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