No doubt someone will  McGiver the effect from off the shelf products once the 
facts are known.. the real challenge is finding the right combination ahead of 
the theory. An aquarium system with some simple USB device to instrument and 
datalog does seem like a bargain for entry into this field - I have toyed with 
the idea of a submerged  tube  of  hydrogen being circulated in a closed loop 
where a small vertical section acting as reactor which is  filled with nano 
powders, backfilled nickel foam or this cobalt loaded zeolite you mention.

From: Jones Beene []
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2012 7:57 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL: RE: [Vo]:Video: Iraj Parchamazad on LENR with Zeolites

Update for anyone with aspirations of seeing a robust excess heat effect with 
Zeolites, using the Reiter effect (cobalt loading).

Amazon actually caries a cobalt loaded zeolite material - used as aquarium 
filter media.

This is not a joke - but I have no illusions that this product could work in 
the same robust way as Nick's material, since it probably has minimal cobalt - 
but it's a bargain, and the ease of operation with a good calorimeter... even 
one from Thermonetics, no less, could be worth a shot for anyone with more time 
than money...

Hmm ... Kinda like owning a Yugo.

LOL... Had to throw Mary a bone, so to speak - since he/she does make a good 

Wouldn't it be a hoot if someone were to use a simple Amazon aquarium filter 
media, a pipe reactor, KH and heating tape - and a Thermonetics calorimeter to 
show unmistakable excess heat ... in a lowest common denominator system.

It could happen, folks.



      Thanks, Ruby.

      These are old slides (2008) are interesting in the context of 
palladium-deuterium. But there is no real anomaly to get excited about there. 
This is similar to the NRL work with zeolites. Yawn.

      The caption under both experiments could be labeled as "so close, but so 
far away" since they had the "Casimir cavity" part of the equation correct 
(using zeolite), but not the active ingredients. Palladium deuterium is not a 
Casimir-cavity influenced reaction - that much is clear.

      OTOH... hydrogen is.

      I was hoping that there would have been information more pertinent to the 
"Reiter effect" with cobalt and hydrogen in zeolite, mentioned recently here as 
the "ZeoCat", but that was wishful thinking.
      BTW - As of today, not yet October - the ZeoCat of Nick Reiter looks to 
me like the most important open source experiment in LENR in the sense of: easy 
to do, but with robust results, begging for replication, and begging for 

            From: Ruby
            As far as I know, there is only slides from his presentation at 
ICCF-14 by New Energy Times.

            You must scroll down on this page to find his name


            Here is the direct download for the New Energy Times .pdf:



            Jones Beene wrote:
            The only paper I've found for him is with Biberian:


            and it hardly mentions zeolites. Is there another?


                  From: Ruby

                  I edited an under-23-minute video of Dr. Iraj Parchamazad 
Chemistry Chairman of University of LaVerne talking about his research into 
anomalous heat reactions using nano-palladium loaded zeolites exposed to 
deuterium gas.


                  Ruby Carat

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