Perhaps the best issue to be noted is the spinning electromagnet 
manifested as a field of a car alternator. No where do I see it 
mentioned, except in my own research: that there is a correct direction 
for the DC field currents to be in harmony with the rotation. This only 
stands to be common sense where it comes to drift velocity, for the 
field rotation and its current to be delivered from non moving slip ring
 contacts; one method will deliver current in agreement with the drift 
velocity direction, while the other will detract from it showing as a 
reduced stator voltage. There are numerable proofs that counter the 
remanent magnetism and parametric case as the cause for power output without 
field energization. Here is some further scribbling of notes never sent when 
this subject last came up....

Once when I was more naive I thought about the magnetic field surrounding a 
wire broken by a capacitor coupling device.  As I visualized the magnetic field 
due to the current, I began to think that there must be a gap or discontinuity 
since no real current is flowing within the capacitor.  Between the plates 
there is only an electric field that is changing as charge is being added or 
subtracted from the plates of the capacitor.
Now I will explain something that NO ONE has ever answered!
It even bothers the theorists who explain it away as a heating loss of wires or 
something. Or they say it was lost as the magnetic field around the wires 
connecting the parts. The big dummies never even considered that it was lost as 
the magnetic field movement around the capacitor itself!  Thus they have not 
thought to put in special collectors of this lost energy; and then reconvert 
that lost energy back into another capacitor. Let me know if you think this can 
be done.

I have two equal C values. I charge one up and find the joules of energy 
contained in it. Now I take the other unused C value and allow one to charge up 
the other to equilibrium. Now I compare the total amount of energy contained in 
both parts and find only half the original amount of energy!  Where did the 

2009 Flux Capacitor Model
This shows both an inductor and a water capacitor that will have the same 
reactance at alternator frequency of 465 hz. Bigger things make possible what 
is not feasible using smaller components.
Separately Spaced Magnetic & Electric Fields

If we do the same sort of capacitor sharing of charge experiment with AC  at 
the resonant frequency instead of DC, we find that connecting a single plate of 
the two capacitors together will cause the sender cap to loose 11% of its 
charge, but in turn the remaining capacitor will be charged to 85% of the 
former caps full charge value. this is done merely by having one electric field 
change causing magnetic field change in the equation, and combining this with 
the weaker  mutual inductive sharing of the coils on a side by side basis.

What the theorists have failed to recognize in making this translation is that 
they have not put magnetic collectors or hugh inductors around two axial 
capacities. As one capacity charges the other one up to equilibrium, the two 
inductors could also charge up two more caps with a one way diode valve in the 
coil-cap pathway to prevent continuing recurring weaker oscillations
(On a changing magnetic field NOT causing a changing electric field by spatial 
vicinity: radio waves would not exist in a vacuum if a vacuum was supposed to 
prevent this from happening)
This of course is absolutely untrue and the best way to demonstrate the fact is 
to instead use an axial capacity. Put another similar size coil on top or 
around that axial capacity and look for the inductive effects of that axial 
capacity.  I will stretch this thought even further and have already 
demonstrated it in which I called it a magnifier principle. It is perfectly 
possible to demonstrate that using two identical
 coils that using your axial capacitive electric field case can result in a 
coil A inducing current on adjacent identical coil B, where coil B will contain 
more current then the sender coil A.
Video Records from 10/21/10: This video shows the fourth coil vibration 
used to show the flux capacitor principle being in excess of its source 
of vibration from the 3rd coil system that has its electric field's 
obtained from series resonance encased in the volume of the fourth extra
 coils magnetic field, where this MAGNIFICATION  of the vibration is 
shown once the neon load is removed. The sequence of adding the 
interphasal resonances is shown. At 8:26 in video ending we see that 1.86 ma 
from the sender causes 2.41 ma on the receiver. 

As you can see for this to happen the extra current is undoubtably due to the 
extra contribution being made by having the last inductive coil in the chain 
having a changing electric field in its interior volume, so there is actually 
TWO inductive forces involved here.  Next I will show something that will truly 
make you wonder where this led to my discovery of the totally wireless tesla 
coil, in which I called this the first embodiment, where now I have advanced up 
to the ninth embodiment.  But in that case we do not explain things away with 
an extra influence of every changing electric field having a corresponding  
changing magnetic field. Now the receiving coil can have FIVE times the current 
of the
 sending coil. But first I still dont quite understand the results of this 
experiment from the same time frame, so I will let others venture an 
explanation if they would care to tread here, dont forget Tesla's warning; 
Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.

Pioneering the Applications of Interphasal Resonances

--- On Fri, 10/5/12, MarkI-ZeroPoint <> wrote:

From: MarkI-ZeroPoint <>
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Relativistic magnetic field
Date: Friday, October 5, 2012, 2:56 AM

Just to make things even more confusing… see   “Trouble with Maxwell’s 
Electromagnetic Theory: Can Fields Induce Other Fields in 
Vacuum?”  Excerpt 
below…-Mark-------------------------“In this work I will argue that the idea of 
electric and magnetic fields inducing each other without the mediation of 
electrical charges is false because it is not based on experimental evidence.  
Pure electric fields, varying or not, are not known to produce pure magnetic 
fields in regions of space where electrical charges do not exist.  Neither are 
pure magnetic fields known to produce, in regions of space where electrical 
charges do not exist, pure electric fields.  It is only through the mediation 
of electric charges and currents that these phenomena can happen.  I will take 
excerpts from the works (mainly textbooks)of authors who support the present 
day theory and I will point out where their argument fails.”
  “What produces radio waves is known – rapidly changing electric currents in a 
conductor. But what is not known with certainty is  how exactly radio waves are 
generated from these changing electric currents, how the waves  detach 
themselves from the antenna and what radio waves really are when traveling 
through space. These, I contend, are problems still open for argument and will 
be discussed here.”-------------------------  From: John Berry 
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 4:13 PM
Subject: [Vo]:Relativistic magnetic field  I was pondering something and wonder 
if anyone here has any insight on the subject.  In a wire coil, an electric 
current consists of a slow movement of electrons, the electric field from these 
charges though not detectable due to the presence of the electric field from 
the protons, never the less fills space both near and very very far from the 
wire.But owing to the (slow) movement of the electrons through the wire a 
Lorentz contraction takes place which changing the strength and shape of the 
electric field, it is now no longer neatly countered by the static proton field 
and what we term a magnetic field is born.  That was the long way of saying 
that the electron drift creates a magnetic field due to relativistic effects, 
this is accepted conventional physics.  Now let's say we have a circuit that 
consists on a battery in series with 2 inductors also in series, one is 
composed of very fat wire and the
 other is composed of extremely thin wire, possibly a different metal and 
possibly not a metal but something with a much higher electron drift velocity, 
the ideal of course would be some kind of vacuum tube where the electron 
velocity could near the speed of light.  Now because these 2 inductors (well, 
coils) are in series the same current must flow through each, which means that 
the same number of electrons must flow through each of them.Now magnetic fields 
are meant to be caused by Ampere Turns, both of these inductors would have the 
same amps and could be given  the same number of turns, so both should create 
equal magnetic fields.  This is curious for several reasons, first off the 
degree of pancaking (the relativistic cause of the magnetic field) is very 
different and it seems unlikely that this very real difference would lead to 
no notable difference in some cases.Also while the coil with the high drift 
speed electrons would at any time have
 fewer electrons making it's field I find it a little odd that it would not 
have a more powerful magnetic field.  The reason is that when we double the 
velocity of a mass we have 4 times the energy, so if we have half the number of 
electrons travelling at twice the speed (to create the same number of electrons 
past a point every second, the same amps) we have still doubled the inertial 
energy tied up in moving those electrons .vs the slower moving coil. (yes, 
electrons have very little mass)  If there is a difference, could this explain 
various anomalies?I heard once that a coil of one metal somehow created a 
stronger field than the same current through the same number of turns through a 
copper coil, though I forget the metal it would have had a higher drift 
velocity.I also recall someone I think on Vo long long ago saying that they 
could not detect the expected magnetic field around a long flouro bulb compared 
to the wiring leading up to it.  There
 are of course many possibilities of this turning up in Tesla coils (HV and 
many thin turns) and various other systems that have had reports of unusual 
effects.  I would assume that Ampere and the others who established this field, 
established it from results primarily with copper coils of regular gauge under 
mostly sustainable currents.How much work has been done on magnetic fields from 
high drift speed currents?  Of course a permanent magnet (or electromagnet with 
a steel core) creates magnetic fields from various different high speed 
electron and proton movements and spins so I accept that the results of a high 
speed magnetic field are not likely to be very unusual.  John    

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