There is a technique that Celani can apply to his test system that will reduce 
the effects of wire resistance changes to a remarkable degree.  Some question 
has arisen as to how much of the measured excess power output variation is due 
to changes in heating power from the source as the resistance of the wire 
varies with loading, etc.  These variations can be reduced by a factor of 
almost 40 to 1 for a 10% change in wire series resistance by adding a series 
resistor to his input drive voltage supply equal to the nominal value of the 
driven wire.

The RF design world has used impedance matching for many years for a similar 
purpose and I propose that Celani do the same.  Of course the penalty is that 
he would be required to deliver two times the power from his supply as before 
and also find a resistor network that can handle the 48 watts of power 
dissipation with a continuous rating.  In my opinion this would be a small 
price to pay if we then would know that the drive power variable would 
essentially vanish from consideration.

I will be happy to assist in selecting a resistive network and more powerful 
supply if requested.  An efficient switch mode power supply operating at this 
power level would not be difficult to obtain.



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