Cant decipher the mathematics, but for perusal;
A Possible Explanation for Anomalous Heat Production in N-H Systems. He 
concludes that a cold fusion bomb is possible, ha ha ha, what seeming rubbish!
This Fran Aquino Guy must do nothing but speculate in an ivory tower of arcane 
mathematics.. Pretty mysterious about how he forms his hypotheses' on many 
subjects. One commentator noted the following to the editor Chris Kitze who 
supplied some other valid URL's concerning Aquino work...(from April 2012)
"Hey, Chris, just to be clear: I’m not denying this guy was a legit scientist 
at one time, it’s just that I couldn’t find any evidence he is currently a 
working scientist or academic, or that he’s even alive.

I saw those links when I tried to find the context of this recent claim. I also 
went to the univerity website. I could find no evidence Aquino still works at 
that or any university. There is no indication the paper now under discussion 
has been published in a journal or reviewed by any scientists whatsoever.

This is important because no one here can assess the validity of the science in 
the paper. Some people here don’t care: Aquino supports their pet theories so 
Aquino must be right. They show no interest in checking if his claims are 
actually verifiable.

I think we need to ask questions of a science paper that can’t be attached to a 
working scientist, to a research facility, or to a science journal.

If anyone can find this information, great — please post it here."
I obliged him with the following that gives a sort of answer as to why my 
inputs appear to be heterodyned....
Inventor Shows Heterodyned Pulsed Power as HAARP back engineering.
What we are talking about here is the use of the 666 machines geometry to 
induce a self emf whereby the component due to self induction arrives “ahead” 
of the normal 3 phase rotation from the source line connections. This magnetic 
field component as an additional source of current on the windings does not 
appear to predominate the line current volume, but initially in the fullest 
field state, it only adds its current for half its beat frequency and opposes 
that current for the second half cycle of the beat frequency; all causing a 
small amount of total AC cyclic change to appear on the output as a much slower 
rise and fall of amperage on the actual AC circuit. However when that component 
is asked to do work on another component via air core primary/secondary 
relationships deemed feasible by the spiral geometries high mutual coupling; an 
astounding thing is observed, now the higher frequency self induced component 
as primary amperage begins to
 approach the value of the line connection voltage and amperage to such a 
degree that when it opposes that line voltage it also reduces that line voltage 
to load to such a degree that the input now appears with a significant pulsing 
factor superimposed upon the normal stable AC line freq. Another rotating 
magnetic field at a slightly higher frequency has been “Induced” by employing 
spirals of the highest mutual inductance on the phasings themselves and made to 
interact at 1/6 cycle BETWEEN PHASINGS for Lenz law effects where those effects 
normally take 1/4 cycle to assume themselves. Then the lenz law effect will 
actually be the result of an advanced phase rotation beyond the phase itself 
where this effect actually, apparently recycles itself, cycle after cycle, 
where in this process it takes 24-25 cycles for a complete added revolution to 
show itself on the outputs. Correspondingly the 666 machine has a contracted 
time frame whereby it takes a
 measured 345 degrees for a complete circle of time. See the following 
“Localized time- space curvature demonstrated from 3 phase alternator powered 
666 machine”
Inventor Shows ~ 5 fold Wireless Gain of Amperage Between Equal Coils
Oct 19, 2012, 9:03 am 

Pioneering the Applications of Interphasal Resonances

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