
Sorry it was the american physicist Wood who did the debunking but if
I remember correctly according to Malcolm Ashmore he went to france at
the request of englishmen.

Some browsers don't seem to handle pdf links well.
The link works in google chrome if you copy and paste the link into
the browser address bar.

If that doesn't work I uploaded a copy of _Theatre of the Blind_ by
Malcolm Ashmore to google docs:

It is eye opening read. You learn the story behind the "facts" on
which articles like the one you cite are based.
Anyone who is concerned with integrity and honesty in science should read it.

here is a review of the paper:
<<Blondlot's story has been so frequently told to students and so
often repeated as if it concerned
self-delusion that the self-delusion myth has a life of its own; it is
a consistently told story but, of
course, that does not mean it is true. It may function as a tale with
heuristic functions but that still
does not make it true. And what Malcolm Ashmore does rather thoroughly
here is to demonstrate
that despite the frequency of the telling, despite its functionality,
the disgrace of Blondlot was not
the dramatic tale so wonderfully honed in texts. It is, rather, an
exposition of the gutsiness of the
supposed gentlemen of science. No doubt about that: the squeamish need
not apply. Physics is a
game for the stout-hearted and the clever. Behind the scenes
activities in physics are pretty much
like the behind the scenes activities elsewhere: warfare, board rooms,
stock exchanges, those
sorts of manly activities. >>

On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 1:11 PM, Jones Beene <> wrote:
> Harry, I get only a black page when I click on the URL ?
> ... but my first thought is- letting an Englishman be the chief debunker of
> a Frenchman is a bit unfair, no?
> And ... Speaking of "Theater of the Blind", and also of "Ce qui circule
> vient autour"
> the following explains how "believing becomes seeing"
> ishler/klotz.pdf+%22N-ray%22+believing+is+seeing&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=AD
> GEEShtzIpw98i14pj5t4o4xNNrsAPcHMHfrpf-wzMzNdW9Vo_VCT8R5CliaES4DAJJu6sZwhwWWv
> jRrFO1m7fiMvBM6ZTMh16zKVg9FbVsvaNtwjcEmK6tvUQERLOZNtgPXk2Gbycl&sig=AHIEtbSlr
> moDACHnA6kKy0H2tFwWOAvJXw

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