Jed sed:

> Hey, I am a literal-minded guy.

Yeah, we kind'a know that about you Jed!

No offense taken.

As for Sagan, I think he got the last laugh - posthumously. I think he
got even with his superiors when he wrote his speculative novel
"Contact". If one reads the novel it's pretty obvious that Sagan must
have experienced many internal dialogues concerning how he might go
about reconciling the values represented by religion versus those of
science. I don't know if he ever came to grips with such a huge
conundrum or not. Nevertheless, he left us with a worthy novel which
was subsequently transformed into a great film, starring Jody Foster
as Elanor Arroway the unabashed SETI researcher. I thought Jody
managed to capture the joy (and also absolute frustration) of having
experienced an authentic contact with an extraterrestrial civilization
while not being able to prove it to the scientific establishment.

In the movie it is amusing that behind closed doors the powers to be
suspected Arroway's publicly disgraced encounter might actually
possess a ring of truth to it. They secretly knew she had recorded 17
hours of "static" during her cosmic worm-hole trip, which presumably
was when she was in "contact". This shouldn't have happened since
according to the official logs Arroway was only "gone" for just a
fraction of a second. Of course, they weren't going to let a little
detail concerning a 17-hour recording gap out.

In the end it would seem that Arroway eventually secures additional
funding so that she can continue pursuing her interest in SETI
research. She finds herself employed out on a remote location with a
few radio telescopes at her disposal to play around with. In other
words, it's best to isolate Arroway while discretely keeping a close
eye on her activities!

In the end you had to take Elanor Arroway's encounter on faith.

Hopefully, the so-called "faith" of CF/LENR evidence commonly depicted
by many skeptics will soon become a moot point when replications
become ubiquitous.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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