This is a and more complete criticism  of Penrose ideas on consciousness.


On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 3:54 PM, Giovanni Santostasi

> This is not a complete criticism but it basically summarizes the main
> point, there is no need to introduce quantum mechanics to explain
> consciousness. We have not yet a full explanation but everything we know
> about neuroscience points to an explanation that would need just classical
> physics (networks and dynamical systems).
> Giovanni
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 3:51 PM, Statewide Homes Peter B <
>> wrote:
>>  Can theology and our science ever fully agree
>> Can our little brains fully understand Gods mind
>> Can knowledge fully understand the things of the Spirit
>> Knowledge says The Spirit spoke through a donkey , is God part mule
>> knowledge  says He protects us and gathers us and hides us under his
>> wings  , is He part chook
>> knowledge says He organised his own son to be Tortued and killed , is He
>> part maniac
>> This I trust , after examineing his words and actions
>> Jesus said to Phillip ...."when you see me , you see the Father " not
>> long after these words Jesus let them do what they wanted . They crucified
>> him
>> Knowledge says , I now have eternal life , His love has bought me
>> Science is great , I enjoy it . Theology is interesting and helpful, but
>> in the end I personally had to trust in His love for me . This is the thing
>> that has given me a Peace that has surpast my understanding
>> Pete
>> ------------------------------
>> Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2012 16:17:17 -0400
>> Subject: Re: [Vo]:The Quantum Soul?
>> From:
>> To:
>>  Some believe that the soul comes into being when the human egg is
>> fertilized; aka the moment of conception.   In this way of thinking,
>> with DNA as the software of the soul, the human DNA has the potential to
>> form a complete person, but at the time of conception no organ is yet
>> formed to contain the soul.   With current technology, any cell in the
>> body can be transformed into a omnipotent cell that can produce a human.
>>   So human spiritual characteristic is inherent in any DNA present in
>> the human body.   If this is true, do you commit murder when you cut
>> your hair or trim your finger nails?   If a mouse is given flawed
>> disease carrying human DNA to simulate human disease or a goat is given
>> human genes to produce human insulin, have these animals become human with
>> a soul.   If a geneticist copies human DNA, and puts it into a animal
>> cell, does the animal become human? What parts of human DNA define the soul?
>>   Please extend your theology into the domain of genetic manipulation in
>> your quest to define the soul.
>> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 7:53 AM, Jojo Jaro <> wrote:
>> **
>> You've made my point better than I.  For when you are studying the ones
>> and zeros wherever they may persist, you are in fact studying the
>> software.  The ones and zeros are not hardware, they're software.
>> Much like the soul.  We can spend a hundred lifetimes studying neuron
>> chemical reactions, electrical impulses, cellular structure of brain cells
>> and other psychological theories and mumbo-jumbo; we will never understand
>> how Human consciousness works.  To understand the human soul, one needs to
>> understand its creator.  Much like studying the software requires an
>> understanding of Microsoft Software Engineer's design methods and
>> techniques, in fact, a understanding of the man himself.
>> Tell me, can you reverse engineer the entire windows operating
>> system from the ones and zeros of machine code?  Doesn't understanding
>> windows require understanding of its design at a higher level? not at the
>> machine code level?  possibly by interviewing the designer and studying his
>> work?  Why would one think he can understand the human soul by studying the
>> individual ones and zeros of the neurons?
>> You see, this issue goes deeper than just discussions about the human
>> soul.  This issue involves our humanistic prederilection to avoid
>> acknowledging the creator.  We try our best to understand ourselves without
>> studying the human blueprint.  Such efforts are always doom to fail, much
>> like the fallacies of Darwinian Evolution.
>> Jojo
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> *From:* Patrick Ellul <>
>> *To:*
>> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 1:43 PM
>> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:The Quantum Soul?
>> If I studied close enough the inside of a computer that has MS Windows
>> installed on it, without ever switching it on, I can still see and
>> understand the expected behaviour. The software program is persisted as
>> ones and zeros on a memory device.
>> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 3:58 PM, Jojo Jaro <> wrote:
>> Any psychological/psychiatric/**philosophical attempt to understand the
>> soul is doom to failure from the onset.
>> Let says you're a hardware/ASIC/Electronics/IC engineer who designed the
>> Pentuim chip.  Without understanding of the software, can you discern the
>> operation of a PC from your understanding of the
>> hardware/Chips/IC/CPU/GPU/etc?  At best, you understanding would be
>> severely incomplete and faulty.  Software is the intangible thing that
>> controls the behavior of the computer.  Software controls the hardware.
>> On the same token, experts in Psychology/Psychiatry/**
>> Philosophy/Sociology/Humanism/**etc, can never hope to completely
>> understand the Human Soul.  It is that intangible entity - the soul, that
>> controls the hardware consisting of your brain cells/neurons, etc.  The
>> Software soul is what needs to be understood for us to understand the
>> behavior of man.  You need to study the soul, not the brain.  The brain is
>> simply a mechanism that the soul controls much like the CPU chip is the
>> mechanism that MS Windows controls.  The analogy is apt and accurate.
>> Hence, one is wasting their time trying to study all the ideas of these
>> philosophers/psychologists/**psychiatrists/etc.  They are at best
>> severely incomplete, at worst gravely misleading.
>> If you want to understand the spiritual soul, go to the one who wrote the
>> software soul.  Study his book - the Bible to have a better understanding
>> of human behavior.
>> Jojo
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Terry Blanton" <>
>> To: <>
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 10:15 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Vo]:The Quantum Soul?
>> I think Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff have the best explanation of
>> consciousness to date.  It's called Orchestrated Objective Reduction,
>> or Orch-OR.  The two actually developed the idea separately, Sir
>> Penrose being a physicist and Hameroff being a physician who
>> specialized in anesthesia and cancer research.  Roger was seeking a
>> model of the brain that did not require computation.  Hameroff wanted
>> to know how anesthesia worked and where the conscious went when under.
>> Penrose theorizes that spacetime is granular at the size of the
>> Planck length and that quantum superposition is linked to the
>> curvature.  Orchestrated Reduction is the collapse of the
>> superposition.
>> Hameroff brought in the neuron microtubles which provide the
>> structure.  He sees a synchronous oscillation in neural MT can
>> influence other neurons.  Together they see these electrons as a sea
>> embedded in the geometry of spacetime.
>> Needless to say, they have many critics.  :-)
>> --
>> Patrick
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