You omitted radiation. See the Chan comment for turning that into electrical power at:
Hound Dog

"Axil Axil

Sat, 03 Nov 2012 14:44:39 -0700

This variety of experiment should measure, total energy input versus total
energy output.

To properly get this result, should not the hydrogen and oxygen be
recombined to produce heat output? This energy of gas recombination should
be added to the heat produced in the electrolyte solution for a proper
comparison that might show over unity output.

To simplify the details of the experiment, the volume of the gas produced
by electrolysis could be measured and a calculation of its heat content
might be used in calculation of total heat output of the electrolyte cell.

Cheers: Axil

On Sat, Nov 3, 2012 at 1:10 PM, Jack Cole <> wrote:

> I have no problem with sharing--there has been too little of that so far.
> I've been planning at some point to set up a site to detail the work so
> others could do it if they would like.
> With the app I have written, there would be no problem with having it
> upload data to a server after the run is completed. What I am testing is
> having it automatically email the data to me as an attachment when it has
> finished. That way I know the experiment is complete, and I can take a
> look at the data.
> I would prefer to detail each piece of equipment involved and where to buy
> it, as that is helpful to the hobbyist like me.
> Jack
> On Sat, Nov 3, 2012 at 11:55 AM, Eric Walker <>wrote:
>> If at some point you think you see something, are you interested in
>> making your data series (for both good and unsuccessful runs) available?
>> Doing would have the following tradeoffs:
>> + you would be helping to advance hobbyist science
>> - you would no longer have the inside scoop into whatever is happening,
>> making it harder to get priority on any potentially (very) lucrative
>> patents.
>> This question is also for any other amateurs attempting data acquisition.
>> We could set up a site of some kind to host the data files.
>> Eric
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Nov 3, 2012, at 4:22, Jack Cole <> wrote:
>> > I have not yet tried KOH. Once I get all the kinks worked out of this,
>> there is no reason I couldn't run several simultaneous electrolytic cells
>> (recording data from all).


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