I have been relaxed about off-topic postings because I'm relatively new to
the group and was following the lead of others. If there's a desire to
enforce that rule more strictly I will be happy to stop doing it.


On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 8:14 AM, Jojo Jaro <jth...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> May I also suggest that you crack down on off-topic posts also. Only a few
> people are chronic offenders and they won't listen to reason since they
> have been here "a long time" and are simply "gabbing with friends", and of
> course, they "make up the rules as we go".
> I strongly believe that off-topic post clearly destroy this forum and its
> science value and I strongly advocated for moderation of such behavior only
> to be ignored and ostracized.
> You need to enforce your rule 2, even if the offender is popular here.  No
> one should be beyond the rules no matter how well loved and popular he may
> be in this forum - that is if you want your forum to remain useful and
> relevant.  But if you are interested in mob rule here, then so be it.
> Jojo
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "William Beaty" <bi...@eskimo.com>
> To: <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
> Sent: Monday, November 05, 2012 1:23 PM
> Subject: [Vo]:lorenhe...@aol.com blocked from vortex: political hatred
>> I've moved lorenhe...@aol.com to vortex...@eskimo.com
>> For everyone's information:  vortex-L has no anti-flamewars rule, but in
>> the long term, I take action on Internet Trolls who attract multiple
>> complaints from other users here.
>> How to avoid getting thrown off vortex?  Same as with any forum: use
>> vortex-L for its listed range of topics, and try to avoid the well-known
>> "troll topics" such as:
>>  - politics
>>  - religion
>> If in doubt, clearly label all your mentions of politics/religion as OFF
>> TOPIC.  Also remember to take any complaints from other Vortex-L users very
>> seriously.  Apologize to the group when they start objecting to your
>> postings.
>> PS
>> I have a big personal thing against fake names or anonymous email IDs on
>> science forums.  A hint: if you want to get away with misbehaving on
>> vortex-L, STOP HIDING BEHIND A FAKE NAME.  Always use your genuine full
>> name, and include a "sig" with your real-world contact info.  Let everyone
>> search your online behavior from years past, and make sure that it all will
>> "stick" to you forever.  This sort of thing is part of science ethics, not
>> to mention basic honesty and mature adulthood, and it gives you lots of
>> points here in your favor.  (Notice how many users on vortex-L are doing
>> this.  Why not try it?)
>> On the other hand, I recognize that users from academia may be forced to
>> hide their IRL identity on a crackpot forum.  But then, professional
>> researchers probably aren't trying to use Vortex as their personal soapbox
>> for religion or political activism, nor are trapped in the "Flamer
>> Personality Disorder"  :)
>>   http://amasci.com/weird/**flamer.html<http://amasci.com/weird/flamer.html>
>> (((((((((((((((((( ( (  (   (    (O)    )   )  ) ) )))))))))))))))))))
>> William J. Beaty                            SCIENCE HOBBYIST website
>> billb at amasci com                         http://amasci.com
>> EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
>> Seattle, WA  206-762-3818    unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci

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