It's not an alien. :)

1) It's small.
2) It's flown over a local neighborhood.
3) It flies at the same time each day.
4) It's very fast and maneuverable.
5) In one frame, you can see a small flame coming from it.

It all points to some type of RC plane being flown at lunch by a local
enthusiast. It's powered by internal combustion.

What else could it be?


On 11/14/2012 09:01 AM, Roarty, Francis X wrote:
> The ufo is so fast it is invisible to the naked eye but can be
> observed by slowing film -- both by original claimant and by the news
> agency camera that validated his claim.  The ufo went undetected by
> nearby radar installations... My posit... relativistic
> drive/navigation is responsible for the lack of detection. Radar is
> designed to track "where" not "when"  :_) this also addresses the
> trajectory issues and sudden accelerations associated with many UFO
> reports when you consider displacement on a temporal vector. I won't
> put OT in front of my posit because it really does derive from the
> basis of relativistic hydrogen and zero point energy where instead of
> utilizing the linkage between the ether and fractionalized hydrogen to
> produce anomalous energy we are instead suggesting using energy to
> turn this fractional hydrogen into a drive mechanism that utilizes a
> linkage with the ether to drive an object relative to  the time axis.
> Fran

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