Maybe they are creating fractals...:)

More precisely, the Mandelbrot set is the set of values of *c* in the complex
plane <> for which the
orbit<> of
0 under iteration <>
of thecomplex
 *z**n*+1 = *z**n*2 +*c* remains
.[1] <> That is, a
complex number *c* is part of the Mandelbrot set if, when starting with *z*0 =
0 and applying the iteration repeatedly, the absolute
 of*z**n* remains bounded however large *n* gets.


On Sunday, November 18, 2012, David Roberson wrote:

> I have been following the fine work of the MFMP team and analyzing the
> data.  These guys are doing excellent work and I congratulate them for
> sharing their data on a real time basis for everyone to view.  I wish that
> we had the same cooperation from the other experimenters, but I understand
> why they are reluctant.
>  The purpose for this post is to see if anyone among us can explain the
> unusual power output as a function of the outer glass temperature of the
> test cylinder.  I believe that it has been the assumption that the outer
> glass surface should behave as a radiation source in a more or less black
> body manner.  This implies that the radiation should be proportional to the
> 4th power of the temperature at that surface according to the
> Stefan-Boltzmann  equation.  I began my analysis assuming that this would
> be likely, but find that it does not seem to be true.
>  I performed a curve fitting operation on some of the recent data that
> the guys submitted on line and found that the power leaving the cell very
> much matches a second order equation over a wide range of input values.  My
> actual function is as follows: P(Out) = .001656 * T * T   -   .6284 * T   +
> 40.3.  Here P(Out) is in units of watts and T is Kelvin degrees.  This
> function does a good job of matching the point pairs from 0 watts to 100
> watts of output.  The temperature varies from approximately 300 to 450
> Kelvin over that output range.
>  It is apparent that the function that I am posting does not work over a
> much larger range than that in actual use since an entry of 0 degrees
> Kelvin would result in an output of 40.3 watts which is nonsense.
>  I started my review by assuming the forth order function.  I thought of
> a cute trick of taking the derivative of the expected function to eliminate
> the fixed incoming radiation that must be subtracted to obtain accurate
> output radiation power calculations.  Then I took the ratio of the
> derivatives for each adjacent pair of power points to eliminate the
> proportional constant.  My procedure was a bit tricky to perform, but
> eventually I got the bugs worked out of my results.  At that point I was
> expecting to see the ratio of adjacent derivatives follow a cubic function
> of their temperature ratios.   This expectation was not demonstrated to my
> satisfaction.
>  I was seeking useful results so I plotted the derivative of the power
> output versus temperature and saw that the curve followed a linear path
> instead of third order.  With this result as a reference I performed a
> curve fit of power out versus temperature using a second order function and
> got very reasonable results.
>  Am I missing something here?  Why does the temperature on the surface of
> the glass cylinder not obey the Stefan-Boltzmann relationship?  Does this
> suggest that the major heat transport mechanism is convection into the air
> instead of radiation?   Is it possible that the IR radiation is escaping
> the demonstration device and the calibrations are mainly derived from the
> direct gas heating of the glass?
>  Dave

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