If Armageddon were linked to Mideast violence we would all be long gone.

I think the technology is close.

With 3 comets in the inner solar system we might be dodging dark matter for
awhile.  For the next year we will be living dangerously close to those
intersecting points on a Feynman particle diagram, with 3 times ? nuclei
comet particles orbiting near our sun's particle orbit all intersecting in
our part of the galaxy in the span of less than a year.

Dark matter annihilates(each other).  Lots of carpet bombing of the sun
nuclei will chill its dark matter nucleus and cool things off but unleash
nasty CMEs.  Lot's of carpet bombing of the Earth will create beta decay
swiss cheese of matter and lots of atmospheric and Earthly uncertainty...

Should be interesting times in the next year or two either way.


On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 2:08 PM, Roarty, Francis X <
francis.x.roa...@lmco.com> wrote:

>  With the middle east violence escalating on schedule to coincide with
> the end of the Mayan calendar I gotta wonder when the proof of LENR will be
> released so the aliens and illuminatti can finally reveal themselves, for
> myself I feel the end of the Mayan calendar may only be a side effect of
> the technology about to be understood where calendars will have to be
> revamped to include temporal navigation :_) Happy Holidays!****
> Fran****

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