Like Mike, I also hope Mills will cut the way for CIHT from milliwatts to
Megawatts during my lifetime.

On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 6:20 PM, Mike Carrell <> wrote:

> Over the years, I have learned to read Mills’ very carefully. The present
> website is a milestone on a road ahead. His policy has been to publish his
> progress while building and protecting BLP’s patent position. I see hints
> of more tricks in the CIHT technology. He is at a point of establishing the
> CIHT technology,, but what the validators did and reported is not a
> commercial product. A **domestic** product has to be like a water heater,
> buy-and-forget. One of the validators is from a company that makes high
> performance insulation; their report is worth reading. How the module in
> started, and how it performs with a intermittent household load, is not
> obvious yet from the website. Mills is an extraordinarily brilliant man who
> has thought through these matters. There is list ‘Society for Classical
> Physics’ which Mills monitors and gives terse response to sensible
> questions. ****
> ** **
> All Mills’ work will be a footnote unless the BLP technology is applied
> worldwide. Eventually there will be utility-scale projects and cars going
> over a thousand miles on a liter of water. The 1.5 kW module will power
> homes in a good part of the world, and does not have to qualify as a
> ‘public utility’; it is a brilliant stroke. Eventually petroleum for fuel
> will become obsolete [it is really too valuable o burn]; nuclear will be
> obsolete; ‘solar’ will be obsolete’ ‘wind’ will be obsolete;  economic and
> political structures based on the control of energy sources will become
> irrelevant. With unlimited, heap, safe energy we can recycle everything and
> desalinate the oceans for drinking water and irrigation. The CIHT
> technology is scalable; eventually it will power tools and toys.****
> ** **
> Mike Carrell****
> ** **
> *From:* David Roberson []
> *Sent:* Monday, November 26, 2012 4:12 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:E Mallove: LENR/"Cold Fusion" and Modern Physics: A
> Crisis Within a Crisis ???****
> ** **
> Thanks for the explanation for the site structure.  I would like very much
> to see this technology advance as it would be idea to power automobiles for
> example if the energy density is adequate and can be extracted quickly.
>  The requirement for elevated operating temperature gives me pause.  I have
> the suspicion that energy can be stolen from the heating source and
> delivered to the test load unless some means is used to take into account
> the energy required as heat. ****
> ** **
> The Blacklight device will have to compete with the other energy systems
> if it is to be successful, and I am attempting to hold it to the same
> standards as are applied to the others.  With that in mind, I have to
> assume that anything that has not been demonstrated as a total system could
> be vaporware.  A convincing test would be one where the heat required to
> operate the device is self supplied.****
> ** **
> Can I assume that the original heat required to jump start the device must
> be supplied by a conventional battery?  If this is true, then I would hope
> that the input heat energy is a small portion to that soon supplied by the
> device.  I am thinking of a car propulsion system.****
> ** **
> Dave
> ****
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Carrell <>
> To: vortex-l <>
> Sent: Mon, Nov 26, 2012 3:29 pm
> Subject: RE: [Vo]:E Mallove: LENR/"Cold Fusion" and Modern Physics: A
> Crisis Within a Crisis ???****
> Admittedly, the current BLP website might be confusing to one who has not
> been following Mills’ work. I have, yet it takes me a bit of work too. It
> might help to understand that the website is a set of ‘lab notes’, the
> latest in a series decades long. It establisher continuing ‘reduction
> practice’ of the discoveries contained in the massive Grand Unified Theory
> of classical Physics, which is a free download from the website. Read
> carefully the ‘Validation’. Six competent observers were independently
> given a briefing by Mills, and then assembled a small test ell and tested
> it with instruments whose calibrations were traceable to national
> standards. The data tables are available on the website. For these test
> cells, the energy gain is in the low multiples and the net power low, like
> a flashlight battery. But the cells run for months. One of the observers
> extrapolated the potential power density to the kW/liter range, but
> practical considerations, now being  explored, may point to a lower level.
> A 10 watt ‘battery’ has been achieved, with 100 watts a target for 2012 and
> 1.5 kW next year. The current capacity is proportional to the area of the
> cell lamina, and the voltage proportional to the number of cell laminas in
> a stack. The water vapor [gas] must permeate the whole stack to realize
> maximum output. The cell operates at 450C to liquefy  some lithium
> compounds as conductors, and the cell must be well insulated against heat
> loss; the energy to initiaed the operation is not part of the energy
> budget. ****
>  ****
> Do not judge this cell as one would judge a LENR cell; it is a different
> beast altogether and requires study on its own terms.****
>  ****
> Mike Carell****
>  ****
> *From:* David Roberson [ <>]
> *Sent:* Monday, November 26, 2012 11:09 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:E Mallove: LENR/"Cold Fusion" and Modern Physics: A
> Crisis Within a Crisis ???****
>  ****
> I took a quick look at the Blacklight web site and came away a little
> confused.  Perhaps someone can help explain the currently observed excess
> power to drive power ratio in clear terms.  Exactly how much excess power
> is being produced with the current technology at what level of input drive?
>  I recall that milliwatts were all that is presently available as excess
> output while it is anticipated that much more will be possible with further
> development.  Is this correct? ****
>  ****
> Has a 1.5 kilowatt output device prototype been constructed as of today?
>  If not, what is the highest excess output power seen in prototypes thus
> far?  What is the required drive level to achieve the measured output
> level?  I am seeking accurate and direct answers to these questions.
>  Please do not respond with assumed future performance.****
>  ****
> Dave****
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Carrell <>
> To: vortex-l <>
> Sent: Mon, Nov 26, 2012 9:29 am
> Subject: RE: [Vo]:E Mallove: LENR/"Cold Fusion" and Modern Physics: A
> Crisis Within a Crisis ???****
> BLP is distinctly non-nuclear, but rather anew hyper-chemistry. The
> reactions that convert H atoms to hydrinos release energy in several forms,
> including intense VUV [vacuum ultraviolet light, ‘blacklight’]. The
> chemical reactions in the ell are described in an article on the website.
> These are complex but result in charge separation so the cell behaves like
> a fuel cell, but the energy release internally is quite different. Con
> formation of the cell performance by six different observers is given under
> the “Validation” tab. Further outside, unpublished, tests have occurred.
> The reactions induce H atoms to shrink by a factor of four, releasing some
> 245 eV per atom, some 200 times the energy needed to separate a H atom from
> water. Each elemental cell produces a fraction of a volt; the task at hand
> is  to revise a manufacturing process to make an inexpensive battery module
> containing hundreds of elemental cells. The basic materials are cheap and
> plentiful. A strong patent base is being built to repay investors. Patents
> run out and as the technology becomes widely understood and accepted,
> manufacture of the BLP modules can be widespread. The process is
> non-polluting and water is for the taking everywhere. I leave the
> consequences to your sweet dreams.****
>  ****
> Mike Carrell****
>  ****
> *From:* 
> [<>]
> *On Behalf Of *Alain Sepeda
> *Sent:* Monday, November 26, 2012 4:10 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:E Mallove: LENR/"Cold Fusion" and Modern Physics: A
> Crisis Within a Crisis ???****
>  ****
> if confirmed, great news.
> I've computed that with reactors similar to Hyperion and E-cat, the
> greatest cost is in heat to mechanic conversion, where best cost is very
> big turbines (500$/kW at 100MWe, to compare to 2000$/MW at 10kWe)... If
> there is no conversion  to do, keeping the low cost of LENR... thats a
> festival. 8)
> I'm curious about the principle of that direct conversion, since it does
> not look like the other numerous LENR experiments (other electrolytic cells
> produce heat, not electricity)...
> The principle seems described here
> , yet I don't catch
> all... It is claimed non nuclear, and if I read well the produced hydrinos
> are the "ashes" of the reaction... so more like a "super chemical" than a
> LENR ?****
> 2012/11/26 Mike Carrell <>****
> To Alan sepeda and Vortex who may be interested:****
>  ****
> For several years I was a close associate of Gene Mallove and for a while
> on his board of  directors. I wrote a number of articles for Infinite
> Energy,, on Joseph Newman, Paulo Correa and PAGD, and Arata. Gene pointed
> me to Randell Mills and Blacklight Power, which I have closely followed for
> decades. BLP is now scaling up a water-fuel energy cell which produces
> electricity directly, which no LENR device has done. BLP’s goal is a 1.5 kW
> power module for domestic use, with an estimated installed cost of $100/kW.
> BLP is privately financed, with representatives of major financial houses
> on its board of directors. Details are available on the website,
> I have visited the Correa’s home/lab and seen a
> demonstration of the PAGD cell working as described in my article.****
>  ****
> If any reader here wishes to correspond with me, I will be happy  to
> reciprocate.****
> Mike Carrell****
>  ****
> *From:* [] *On
> Behalf Of *Alain Sepeda
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 22, 2012 10:45 AM
> *To:* Vortex List
> *Subject:* [Vo]:E Mallove: LENR/"Cold Fusion" and Modern Physics: A
> Crisis Within a Crisis ???****
>  ****
> Reading the latest article of ruby carra and the science.or research on
> I've found that article of Eugene mallove
> just the abstract.
> no reference to it on internet beside that site, and
> believe me if you dare, not even on
> it is not of the greatest importance, but it might be interesting.
> does anyone have a copy (maybe the name changed)****
> *Title:*****
> LENR/"Cold Fusion" and Modern Physics: A Crisis Within a Crisis****
> *Authors:*****
> Mallove, Eugene F. 
> E.<,+E&fullauthor=Mallove,%20Eugene%20F.%20E.&charset=UTF-8&db_key=PHY>
> ****
> *Affiliation:*****
> AA(New Energy Foundation, Inc. P.O. Box 2816, Concord, NH 03302-2816, USA)
> ****
> *Publication:*****
> American Physical Society, March Meeting 2004, March 22-26, 2004, Palais
> des Congres de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, MEETING ID: MAR04,
> abstract #A15.006****
> *Publication Date:*****
> 03/2004****
> *Origin:*****
> APS <>****
> *Bibliographic Code:*****
> 2004APS..MARA15006M <>***
> *
> Abstract****
> The primary theorists in the field of Cold Fusion/LENR have generally
> assumed that the excess heat phenomena is commensurate with nuclear ash
> (such as helium), whether already identified or presumed to be present but
> not yet found, and moreover that it can be explained by hydrided metal
> lattice structures acting coherently. Though this was an excellent initial
> hypothesis, the commensurate nuclear ash hypothesis has not been proved,
> and appears to be approximately correct in only a few experiments. At the
> same time, compelling evidence has also emerged for other microphysical
> sources of energy that were unexpected by accepted physics. The exemplars
> have been the work Dr. Randell Mills and his colleagues at BlackLight Power
> Corporation and Dr. Paulo and Alexandra Correa in Canada.This has led to a
> crisis within a crisis: Neither "cold fusion" nor "Modern Physics" will be
> able to explain the full range of experimental data now available---not
> even the data within "mainstream" cold fusion/LENR per se--- by insisting
> that the fundamental paradigms of Modern Physics are without significant
> flaw. The present crisis is of magnitude comparable to the Copernican
> Revolution. Neither Modern Physics nor Cold Fusion/LENR will survive in
> their present forms when this long delayed revolution has run its course.
> ****
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Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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