I tend to agree that the problem is being blown out of proportion.  The world 
climate system is far more complex than the modelers admit and they never seem 
to reveal their errors.  There is a strong case being developed that cosmic 
rays are the major driver of the Earth's climate and the computer modelers do 
not include that effect when they predict the future.  You would think that the 
recent 16 year period would give them pause, but apparently it doesn't.  Since 
global warming does not appear to be at the expected levels they now use the 
term climate change.  It is quite easy to attribute normal weather extremes to 
this new description.

Some are willing to give an international organization the right to tax the 
emission of carbon dioxide, but I am personally not ready to be subject to 
their control.  The sooner cold fusion devices begin to negate the problem, the 
better it will be for all of us.  Our basic freedoms are at stake in this type 
of issue and I fear that the current leadership of my country is vulnerable to 
being bullied by outside influence.


-----Original Message-----
From: a.ashfield <a.ashfi...@verizon.net>
To: vortex-L <vortex-L@eskimo.com>
Sent: Sun, Dec 2, 2012 10:26 pm
Subject: [Vo]:How bad is this news?

More crap.  Without "polluting" CO2 there would be no life on this planet.
Perhaps more to the point, global temperature has not risen for 16 years 
falsifying the IPCC forecast.
Six years ago, the story was there has been no temperature rise for 10 
years but that is not enough for a trend.  You need 15 years for that.
Now apparently one needs 20.


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