
Have you read 3 or more papers on Intelligent Design in the last 5 years?

"Condemnation before investigation is the height of ignorance."  Albert Einstein

Guess which of us both is more ignorant?  I've read 3 or more papers on 
Darwinian Evolution is the last 5 years.  How many papers in Intelligent Design 
have you read in your lifetime?   I've even read Darwin's "The origin of 
Species" and the "Descent of Man".  Have you?

OH... I get it. 2000 Darwinian Evolutionists are always correct cause you've 
not heard of any one of them threatened, bribed or coerced, although you 
haven't met any one of them.  OK  Whatever.

So, why do you hold Bob Parks, Huzienga, et al, to a standard you yourself is 
not willing to hold yourself to?  LOL....


PS. This question applies to all other Darwinian Evolutionist in this forum.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jed Rothwell 
  Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2012 3:40 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Bribing 2,000 climatologists

  Abd ul-Rahman Lomax <> wrote:

    You could do a petition like that on cold fusion and might still find a 
majority of "professional scientists" who think that cold fusion was rejected 
long ago. Answers that you get can depend on the questions asked, and asking 
people for opinions outside their areas of expertise is asking for garbage.


  Right, right, right. To reach a valid conclusion you would have add 
qualifying questions such as:

  "Have you read 3 or more papers on cold fusion in the last 5 years?"

  If the answer is no, I would toss out the rest of the questionnaire.

  I would be tempted to add a few multiple choice questions such as:

  M. C. H. McKubre of SRI is known for using what type of calorimeter:

  A. Seebeck.
  B. Mass flow.
  C. An ice calorimeter.
  D. Davis-Besse.

  - Jed

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