Celani's cell did NOT vary with pressure!

 on 08 December 2012.

Dear world,

We have an admission and an apology to make, on the upside, some very
important developments have occurred as a result.

When we first started seeing a correlation of sorts between Pxs and
Pressure in the US cell, I asked for this to be investigated more
deeply and Malachi, Ryan and the team did fantastic further work and
analysis showing a potentially challenging finding. We are going to
investigate this further and have made extra calibrations in US and EU
cells to do exactly that moving forward.

What we did not say was that Celani had already been challenged at NI
week and ICCF17 and subsequently on this exact potential issue and had
carried out specific experiments to test for a measurable effect and
reported back to his critics his findings which did not, in his cell,
show the kind of relationship have seen. We had received this email a
little after the 7th October 2012, but in the pressures of everything
had simply forgotten about it, in hindsight, it was probably the
reason we pushed for the investigation. Having said that, we were not
given permission to share emails between MFMP and Celani openly, had
we been able to then the community watching our journey would have
surely reminded us.

-- continues --

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