My personal analysis about the psychiatry around LENr is that it is one of
the main key that caused that tragic saga... (the other is ego, and
matching fear of losing ones position, funding and peers esteem)

I've discussed with scientist on a forum and they maintain that science
allowed inventions.
I said it was recent, in the 50s (laser, GPS correction), and that normally
we invent badly understood new machine, then make a theory that explain it,
then only use the thepry to improve the machine.

they said that if have allowed to invent fission... I agree, but it was
chain reaction was only imagined after someone observe production of
neutrons, from neutrons bombing of some materials... making people think
about chain reaction.
they started making a reactor ignoring the problem that the termal/neutron
feedback was not at the good time constant according to the theory.
hopefully there was delayed neutron and the first reactor did not diverge
in a deadly way.

more that this details, the proble is that we have to discuss about that
question... how can you be scientist and say that you will refuse a fact if
there is no theory to explain it (said so). how can other scientist around
let that stupidity be said without shouting like a priest in a whorehouse.

unlike we have a good theory there will be no acceptation of facts, except
if the layman can safely dare to say that leading scientists are
incompetent. this mean if there is an industrial grade proof, like a tea
kettle, a car, a boat, a plane...
the tea kettle moto is the symptom of the stupidity in modern science.

no need to try any scientific experiment, it cannot work with the
mainstream leading stubborn self-blinded no-more-scientists. Only engineers
are materialist/agnostic enough to be convinced, and finally solve the
problem by sales.

sorry to be so bitter, but I'm clearly furious about that
multiply-confirmed state of fact.

2012/12/9 Peter Gluck <>

> Dear Axil,
> LENR is a technology and not a science- is abright formulation that will
> make many of our colleagues unhappy. Theywant at any price: "Science first!"
> Peter
> On Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 7:01 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:
>> ...
>> LENR is a technology and not a science. Until the LENR engineers discover
>> the QM principles that underlie LENR in its many manifestations and guises,
>> this subject will remain unnatural to them.
>> Cheers:    Axil

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