On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 7:47 AM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Harry Veeder
>         I suspect there is something important missing from this account.
> What prompted Moller to look at Langmuir's work in the first    place?
> The impetus was that Moller, who is Danish, found and read private letters
> from Bohr (the great Dane) to Langmuir. These are in a collection of
> memorabilia in Copenhagen - in the Bohr library but have never been
> published. You will have to go there if you want to confirm this story -
> which was told to me first-hand by Nicholas Moller.
> These letters indicate that Langmuir when he was developing his hydrogen
> torch found and documented anomalous and large thermal gain but could not
> explain it.
> Bohr who was Langmuir's mentor at this time and the most respected physicist
> in the World (probably) strongly advised Langmuir NOT to publish this, for
> fear that he would be laughed out of the physic's establishment.
> Most ironic - in terms of what happened later. You remember the term
> "pathological science", no? It has a twisted history.

Yes it is ironic.

Science comes from the Latin word scientia meaning knowledge

The Renaissance had "heretical" science.
Today we have "pathological" science.


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