Without addressing anything else in this  s message, I'll merely stay that all 
reference to Islam and Muhammad is no sensual and reflects a degree of 
ignorance that exceeds expectations. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 19, 2012, at 1:32 AM, Jojo Jaro <jth...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> He he he.....
> yeah I'm all you label me.  I'm all that and more.  And yes, I have a 
> repressed childhood.  You can believe whatever it is that tickles your fancy.
> Yes, I'm a turd; but whose more pathetic?  The turd or the man playing with 
> the turd knowing it's a turd?  The turd has no choice, but the man playing 
> with a turd has got to be some maladjusted retard.  LOL...
> But at least..... at least I am smart enough to graduate with a engineering 
> degree; but sensible enough not to boast that I am some kind of expert.. And 
> I am wise enough not to worship a 2nd rate moon god preached by a 
> sex-perverted 9 year-old child molesting prophet.
> Somebody doing this must be some maladjusted individual.  The sexual pervert 
> prophet would have tipped any sensible man to stay away from that moon god; 
> but our expert worships him.  LOL....
> OH my, I've really done it this time.  I'm done for..  You will now really 
> call for my banning.  Since I just insulted your great moon god and his 
> "holey" loving prophet.  I'm done for; you will now go to your imam and issue 
> a fatwah against me and have me killed.  LOL....
> BTW, for those of you just reading this.  I have done nothing more than tell 
> the truth.  Allah is the moon god of muhammed's tribe; and muhammed is a 
> sex-perverted prophet with dozens of wives and concubines including a 9 
> year-old little girl barely out of diapers.  And muslim imams do indeed issue 
> a fatwah for the assasination of anyone who they consider have insulted their 
> prophet.   I speak the truth if you care to research it yourself.  Even 
> muslims acknowledge these truths and this is a source of great embarassment 
> for many a moon god worshipper; and you will see our expert trying to spin 
> this away.
> Jojo
> PS, Don't even pretend that you don't read what I write.  Everyone know that 
> you read it. LOL.   But, as for me, I honestly only read the first part of 
> your posts.  It's tiresome to read your verbal diarrhea.  So, if you really 
> really really want to insult me; make sure you do so in the first few 
> sentences.  That would really be effective in getting me and hurting me with 
> your insults.  LOL....
> So, Go ahead, continue the insults.   I will give as much and much more than 
> I can get.  Christmas period is a slow time for me so I'll play along with 
> your games.  But come January, you can play with yourself.
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Abd ul-Rahman Lomax" 
> <a...@lomaxdesign.com>
> To: <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
> Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2012 12:13 AM
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:How bad is this news? Jed Rothwell -> about Jaro Jaro 
> trolling
> Hah! I see that when I added the tag to the subject, I mispelled Jojo Jaro....
> At 04:14 AM 12/8/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
>> So, this libtard from Wisconsin claims that I do not have emotional maturity 
>> and that I am 10 or that I did not get feedback and all that crap. O well, 
>> if I am a turd, what do you call somebody who keeps playing with a turd 
>> knowing full well its a turd.
> Someone who is not willing to give up on the idea
> that a "turd" is a human being.
> Foolish, perhaps. Jojo is giving us plenty of
> evidence that he wants us to think he's a turd.
>> Libtard claims that I am emotionally volatile, so why does he keep on 
>> provoking me other than to elicit a strong reaction from me.
> Jojo would not understand the reason, but there are many possibilities.
> 1. It's so much fun.
> 2. We like watching Jojo make an idiot out of himself.
> 3. We have a hope (foolish?) that the pimple will finally pop.
> 4. We have nothing better to do at the time we write the post.
> 5. We have something better to do and we are avoiding doing it.
> 6. Just because.
> 7. We care.
> 8. ???
>>  This behavior from libtard seems to be what is classically defined as 
>> trolling.
> It could be, were it not clearly provoked.
> Responding to trolling is not trolling. However,
> not all "insult" is trolling. The essence of
> trolling is an attempt to provoke outraged
> response. The sequence here began with something
> other than that, but Jojo responded to it as an
> insult. It could be argued that it was mildly
> insulting, but it clearly was not, from context,
> trolling. It was just a comment on what had just
> happened, and it did not insult, beyond calling
> Jojo a "bible fanatic." Is that an insult? It can
> be so. Am I a "cold fusion fanatic"?
> Someone who said so would not necessarily be
> insulting me. They might just be describing how my behavior looks to them.
>> It is a clear pattern with this individual that he would say something to 
>> provoke me for the fun of it.
> And then we might need to look at what "fun"
> means. Why would it be "fun" to poke at a bear in
> a cage? What I can say is that boys do this. It's
> juvenile human behavor. Some of us never grow up.
> Occasionally we poke the wrong bear, and we don't
> survive. Jojo seems to want us to think that he
> is that bear, because he threatens eye for an
> eye, or two eyes for an eye. That's why I don't
> agree with characterizations of Jojo as a
> Christian. His behavior is quite distinct from
> Christian behavior. He's hostile, pugnacious, and
> he retaliates, quickly and readily.
> If he does really think he's a Christian, he is
> then the kind that his Lord will reject on the
> Day of Judgment; he might well read his Bible on
> that topic. The idea that "believing in Jesus"
> will wipe all sin, even sin continually committed
> after supposedly trusting Jesus, even defiant sin
> that attacks everyone and refuses to surrender to
> love, is surely naive or worse. It's actually evil.
>> But it costs me little to throw an insult back so I indulge this retard, 
>> cause obviously, only a retard would continually provoke an "attack dog" 
>> knowing he'll be bitten each time he does.
> So if you do it back, Jojo, surely, then, you
> understand it. Answer your own question. Why do *you* do it?
>> One will clearly notice that I did not insult him in this thread until such 
>> time as he started insulting me.
> Actually, he explored the implications of your
> logic, and tested your response. Jojo's claim to
> only be responding to others does not match the
> record. With regard to one sequence, I just
> posted an examination of that history. I just saw
> more. Basically, a speculation that wasn't aimed
> at Jojo was posted. And then Joho showed up and
> commented, with what had the effect of trolling,
> and matching the speculation. Jojo explicitly
> promised to "give back what he gets," but he
> gives back, always, more. Many times, I've
> directly examined his factual claims, and he
> responds with insults. He's very ready to claim
> that the posts of others are insults directed at
> him, but this much should be clear: he
> *deliberately* insults others. He's been quite explicit about that.
> Here is what I wrote last night about Jojo's
> behavior, with links, contradicting his claim
> that he stops when others stop. Quite simply, he doesn't.
> http://www.mail-archive.com/vortex-l@eskimo.com/msg73717.html
> He takes everything written about him as an
> insult, if it isn't positive. Steven's exercise
> with the name Jojo was obviously not serious, he
> was simply applying the kind of logic Jojo uses
> in his claims about "truth." He found evidence
> that "Jojo" was an African name, and other
> evidence that it was the name of a pet, so ... he
> wrote that Jojo was obviously a black dog. And
> then he cited the cartoon about, "On the
> internet, nobody knows that you are a dog," with
> a very interesting exchange being present on the
> site hosting the cartoon, about net behavior.
> People have written things about me, like that.
> "Enemies" have done it. The sane response is to
> laugh. Jojo isn't sane. Jojo read it as "racist,"
> and responded that way, quoted below. Everything blows up.
>> t is quite easy to go back the archive record and see that every insult I've 
>> directed at this libtard is always a response to a recent insult to me from 
>> him.  No need to argue and spin it.  The archive records speak for itself in 
>> this matter.
> I'm not doing the research, I just know that, in
> my case, Jojo lies. He maintains his drumbeat,
> even when the other person stops responding *entirely*.
> Whatever Jojo has claimed, he remembers, and he
> trots it out periodically. Like "moon god." It
> had been mentioned here in early November;
> apparently, at that time, Jojo expected he would
> be banned; he stopped posting here entirely. Then
> he noticed he wasn't banned, and raised the *same
> claim* again. People had not continued to discuss
> it. I have never before seen such obvious evidence of trolling.
> (Actually, that's not true. A certain Wikipedia
> editor, on another web site, identified himself
> as "Professional troll, doing it harder and
> better than you." And he really was a
> professional troll, though being paid in cash has
> never been obvious. He might just be paid in the
> gratitude of those he serves. He attacks people
> they don't like, and when they respond to him
> normally, they can then ban the person.)
>> Moreover, not only did he make an insult with "dog"; he made it racists by 
>> calling it "black".  What is the difference between a black dog and a dog of 
>> any other color.
> "Black" here was a pun. The source read
> "African." The cartoon was of a black dog. So ... "black dog."
> There is a difference between a black dog and a
> dog of another color. It's black, that's the
> difference. Steve did not claim that the black
> dog was inferior or superiod. Just a black dog
> being a black dog. On the internet, where nobody
> knows you are a black dog, you think. Actually, everyone can tell. So to 
> speak.
>> Alll dogs generally behave the same.
> And differently as well. Dogs behave the same,
> they must, because they must all pattern-match
> the name "dog" in some way. But "The dog" is
> unique. That's what the definite article
> indicates. If I say "pet the dog," you know what
> dog I'm talking about, or at least I think you do.
> In English, it's awkward to say, "I worship the
> god." Instead of using the definite article, we
> capitalize the word to make it a proper noun,
> which is often definite. "I worship God." And
> then some idiot wannabe Muslim comes along and
> says, "You are Wrong! You should worship Allah!"
> No sect has a monopoly on idiocy. The Qur'an: "By
> whatever name you call upon him, to him belong the most beautiful names."
>> So the post qualifying "black" to "dog" is clearly a racists attempt to 
>> paint me as some radical and stereotype all black people as violent 
>> uncontrollable dogs.  The intent was obvious.
> Obvious to someone who lives in his own
> fantasies, obvious because Jojo made it up. I'm
> sensitive to racism, I have an African daughter.
> I didn't see racism there, at all. There was no
> attempt to express the idea that "race" is a
> biological reality, which is racism in my book
> (and that of academics). And discussion of "race"
> can often blow up, because many people still believe the myth.
>> This trolling from libtard needs to be stopped by banning him.  Banning him 
>> would solve two problems - his trolling and his repeated and blatant 
>> disregard for the rules with his incessant off-topic posting.
> Let anyone who calls for a ban be considered for
> one. As well, however, what anyone claims,
> reasonably, should be considered. Sometimes a ban is necessary.
> My own recommendation is that if a member of the
> list is causing problems, the member should be
> *warned.* Only continued violation of the warning
> would result in a ban. I was not thrilled by the
> ban of Mary Yugo, because it appeared to have
> taken place without warning. Perhaps the warning
> was private, but, as an experienced list manager,
> I'd also issue a public warning as a last resort,
> and the reason would partly be to sense the
> community opinion, and, as well, to make process transparent.
> I was once active on a list promoting a voting
> system. I wrote a post, with extended
> consideration of a related topic, that the
> moderator -- who was not generally active on the
> list and who was not especially knowledgeable on
> the topic -- considered off-topic, and he warned
> me publicly. People chimed in and said that what
> I'd written was on-topic, the relevance simply
> had not been understood by the moderator. He backed off and apologized.
> Later, when he again thought my comments were
> off-topic, he, without warning or telling me, put
> me on moderation, then lost a whole series of
> posts (he was really inexperienced), and when I
> objected, he blocked me entirely. He did this
> without allowing comment on the list itself.
> The result: the list died, surprisingly quickly.
> I had gone to another list, a bit broader in
> scope, and started writing and supporting that
> activity, and it flourished (and a nonprofit
> corporation has been formed out of this). The
> original list, from which I remain banned, still
> exists. I can't remember the last time a post
> came through from it, seems like it might be once
> every few months. The funny thing is that I'm
> known as a prominent supporter of that list
> purpose, and I've generated, with years of
> effort, much of the political activity, the memes
> to be used, toward implementing that voting method.
> List moderators function best when they consider
> their role as being service to the community,
> consistently with the basic purpose of the list.
> The owner here is not terribly active, I don't
> know how much he's been following this. I have not pinged him. I do trust him.

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