In reply to  David Roberson's message of Thu, 10 Jan 2013 19:18:25 -0500 (EST):
>Where does the lost energy(400 eV/atom) end up as the D passes each atom?  
>Would you expect it to ionize them as it plows through the electron clouds?  
>Or, is it most likely to result in the formation of heat?

Both. First it ionizes the atom, then when the electrons eventually recombine
with the ions, energy in the form of x-rays, UV, light & heat is released. The
more energetic EM photons will in turn ionize other atoms etc. etc. eventually
all the energy is degraded to heat.
(the light is used by scintillators to detect fast particles).
>It appears as thought that much energy loss could reap havoc within the metal.

And so it does. See the photo on the cover of Mizuno's book.


Robin van Spaandonk

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