From: Jed Rothwell 


Whoa! I just thought of an interesting scenario.

That article says that the first application they intend to use Watson for
his cancer treatment recommendations. Suppose they feed Watson the entire
corpus of cancer research, and he concludes that cancer treatment has no
effect on the prognosis. Some experts believe that to be the case. 


What if the entire corpus of physics is loaded, and Watson concludes that
LENR is the superior energy solution for the future of humanity, far more so
than hot fusion or fission ?


ANS: The mainstream hegemony will be shouting from their ivory towers that
this is same computer that was infected with Tourette syndrome not too long
ago . it has suffered a recurrence and simply cannot be trusted: "Wipe that
hard disk clean and send Watson back home (or back to Holmes). we have to
protect our phony baloney jobs."  

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