-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Dingemans 

Terry Blanton wrote:
> Who could have predicted it would be Kurzweil and Google:


Ok, I'm now just playing Hal's advocate: "and who is going to give it a 

Kind regards, Rob

Well, methinks there would be no shortage of "soul donations" - if you
looked in the right place for volunteers.

Check around any assisted living facility for old scientists ... many of
whom would gladly assume the risk of a technological glitch against the
prospect of staying around for an extended consulting gig :)

This is the "All of Me" scenario ... deriving from the Steve Martin, Lily
Tomlin movie of that name ... but with a bioengineer engineered host - a wet
computer tied into the control module of the A.I. ... kinda like the neural
gel packs on the USS Voyager.

In fact, Kurzweil would probably put his name at the top of the list. 

And why stop at one? No reason that the Google version could not have
hundreds of carefully chosen 'soul mates', since there is a lot to watch
over in cyber space. 

That's the kind of immortality you can stick a fork into...

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