ChemE Stewart <> wrote:

But it also costs approx. 1/5 capital for a gas turbine of Same MW.

That is true! But the cost is falling rapidly, and it would fall a lot more
with greater economy of scale.

>  We will also wait to see how long 375,000 mirrors/motors last in the
> wind/dust swept desert

They have been building these things for 40 years in the U.S., Israel,
Spain and elsewhere. They know how the mirrors perform in harsh

> You forgot the fuel cost for cleaning mirrors with farm tractors and
> squeegies and pumping mirror wash water from...where? I estimate about 50
> farm tractors running all month long.

They use robots. It takes only a tiny fraction of the output power, far
less than equivalent overhead at a fossil fuel or nuclear plant. It takes
very little water. I did not forget this, and neither did the people who
design and run these plants.

I believe there are ~1.5 GW of CSP installed worldwide. That is only a
small contribution to total energy production, but it means that engineers
have many years of hands-on experience with large scale installations.

- Jed

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