Hmm ... was there comment from an official source on this spike? There is not much info that I can find online.
Where are higher neutron spikes shown in the data? I do not see any spikes which are higher, but they might not show up on the monthly chart. The main reason that I was interested in this - some nuclear relics would be expected "IF" there was an actual explosion at the Iranian enrichment facility (following an earthquake and this now appears unlikely). one might expect to see spikes in radiation monitors downwind of any explosion in those countries which do this type of monitoring. Many things argue against this spike having any remote relationship to Iran. Firstly, Moscow is about 1500 miles away from Tehran, and in a direction not favored by prevailing winds. Second the spike is to large and the timing is slightly off, even if the winds did blow that way. However the radiation from Chernobyl turned up in surprising places. Also one would expect the results to show up with heavy elements, not neutrons, so this spike is probably what it purports to be which is related to a cosmic ray burst - but it would be nice to see expert commentary. -----Original Message----- From: Arnaud Kodeck What has happened in Moscow? I don't understand the percentage. What does this mean? It has never been so high for the last 2 years, but other spikes occurred, even higher. Arnaud