Terry Blanton <hohlr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Close to 29% I guess.
> Optimistic:
> "The Dutch national wind capacity factor is a dismal 0.186. The German
> wind capacity factor “is even more dismal at 0.167,” the article
> said."

This is not optimistic or pessimistic. This is actual performance data from
the EIA. The number of turbines installed is known with precision, and I
think the power companies keep track of electricity with precision, so this
is actual average performance for the U.S.

U.S. wind resources are better than European onshore ones. Turbines are
only put in places with a lot of wind, and the U.S. has many prime
locations still untapped.

Opponents of wind have long held that actual performance is well below the
nominal 1/3rd estimate that wind advocates use. This data shows performance
really is about that good. Assuming the IEA data is good. It comes from
power company sources. They have no reason to lie about it.

- Jed

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