I wrote:

> Per capita emissions are much higher in Mexico and China than they are in
> the U.S. and Japan. Poverty causes pollution. Rich nations can afford
> things like nuclear power, wind power, electric lighting and modern hybrid
> automobiles.

To be a little more concrete, look at the recent photos of the catastrophic
air pollution in Beijing. You can find similar pictures from Mexico city.
Now look at photos of London in 1952, and Philadelphia, PA in 1950. You see
the same thing: massive, uncontrolled air pollution caused by
horribly inefficient industrial processes and lack of air pollution control
equipment. In the 1990s before the Chinese began to modernize, they
produced ~20 times less economic output per joule of energy than the U.S.
or Japan did. (I think it was ~20.) They were throwing away vast amounts of
coal and oil. Now they are building 30 nuclear power plants and the
equivalent number of wind plants. They are fixing the problem, just as we
fixed our problems in the 1950s and 60s. Our pollution is WAY down, and our
efficiency is WAY up.

Driving in 50 mpg Prius get you to your destination just as quickly as 12
mpg car did circa 1965. In the event of an accident you are far more likely
to survive unhurt in a Prius than you would have been 1965. That means
insurance costs are way down, and so is overall cost of ownership. Highway
fatalities are way down. You pay more upfront, but much less overall. Go to
Mexico city and you find a million cars using 1970s technology, wasting
fuel and destroying the environment.

The 10 most polluted cities in the world. They are all in the Third World:


I expect you would find ~90 of the top 100 most polluted cities are in the
Third World. The ones in the U.S. and Japan are the poorest. As I said
before, our power companies still kill ~20,000 people per year with
impunity, because these are poor people living downwind of coal fired
plants. If they killed off that many middle class people they would be shut
down in no time. Poor people have to live with pollution and filth because
they have no money and no political influence. In the U.S., if they would
vote, we would clean up their communities and we have far less pollution
than we now have.

The air pollution in London in 1952 killed ~4,000 people and this --
finally -- triggered public outrage and reform. Many of the technical
solutions had been sitting on the shelf for 200 years. Even
in Elizabethan times they knew how to reduce smoke and improve efficiency.

Pollution is misplaced resources. It is useful material in the wrong place.
It is money flushed down the sewer for no reason. It is caused by
stupidity, and foolish self-destructive greed. There is no need for
pollution, and no need for global warming either. It would not cost any
money to fix these problems even with present-day technology, never mind
cold fusion. We could fix them and save money doing it.

- Jed

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